50 Hectares Of Lake Situ Bagendit Garut Closed Eceng Gondok, Regency Government Will Clean Up For 150 Days
JABAR - The Garut Regency Government (Pemkab) cleans the gondok hyacinth that covers the water surface of Lake Situ Bagendit to increase the attraction of the tourist attraction.
"Now it has started to clean 1.5 hectares, there are 50 hectares covered from more than 100 hectares, half of which are covered by hyacinth hyacinth and lotus," said Garut Deputy Regent Helmi Budiman while reviewing the activity of cleaning the hyacinth in Situ Bagendit, Banyuresmi District, Garut, Friday, May 26, confiscated by Antara.
Helmi said that efforts to clean Lake Situ Bagendit covering an area of 50 hectares took quite a long time with an estimate of 150 days.
He said that a number of related agencies were involved in cleaning the Lake Situ Bagendit area, thus disrupting the view and lowering the selling value of the tourism sector.
However, Helmi hopes that there will be other roles from various communities individually and in groups, as well as other elements to work together to clean and maintain the beauty of the lake so that the cleaning process can be faster.
"For example, 50 hectares take 150 days, we urge the private community, groups can come from environmentalists, from the TNI/Polri have gone down, Tagana, PMI, Pramuka have gone down, from fishermen, the local community here has gone down, all of that can be less than 150 days," he said.
He added that the Garut Regency Government also plans to form a special Task Force (Satgas) to clean the Situ Bagendit area from hyacinth hyacinth wild plants, so that its existence can be controlled and can be cleaned quickly.
"We made a task force that involved all people to clean up, that's why we invite everyone, let's go together," he concluded.