Realization Of State Expenditures As Of April 2023 Capai Rp765.8 Trillion

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said the realization of state spending until April 2023 was IDR 765.8 trillion.

According to him, this figure is equivalent to 25 percent of this year's APBN ceiling which amounts to Rp3,061.2 trillion.

"This country's spending grew 2.0 percent year on year (yoy) compared to the April 2022 period, which at that time was absorbed IDR 750.5 trillion," he said while giving the APBN presentation on Monday, May 22.

The Minister of Finance explained that state spending is spread in two major categories.

The first is central government spending consisting of ministries/agencies (K/L) and non-K/L with a realization of IDR 522.7 trillion.

"This is used, among others, for social assistance, fuel subsidies, electricity subsidies, health sectors, education, to infrastructure," he said.

The second is local government expenditure (transfer to daearh / TKD) which is realized amounting to IDR 243.1 trillion.

"The distribution of TKD as of April 2023 is 0.3 percent higher than April 2022, which at that time was IDR 242.4 trillion," he said.

In general, state spending in the first four months was lower than the revenue sector which amounted to Rp1,000.5 trillion.

As a result, the state budget was in a surplus position of IDR 234.7 trillion in April 2023.