Farmers Of Rejang Lebong Bengkulu Already 'Go Digital', Market Bibit Aren Through Social Media To Have A Order From Malaysia

REJANG LEBONG - One of the ISN farmers in Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu, Anasrul has been able to use technology to market his plantation products.
The 47-year-old man owns an existing plantation area in the Bukit Hitam Simpang Poak area, Central Curup District. He then marketed the seeds to various regions in the country by utilizing social media.
"I sell these palm seeds in the form of seeds, I sell Rp1,000 per seed plus shipping costs. Apart from being marketed to areas in the country, there are also orders from Malaysia," said Anasrul when met at Rejang Lebong, Saturday, May 20.
He explained that the seedlings he sells in the form of seeds are local types of genjah Dalam varieties, where so far they have an advantage, namely that they can last a long time and produce quite a lot of tira water, even though the stems are quite high which reaches 20 meters.
This netizen is marketed by Anasrul through social media in the form of facebook and YouTube since the last few years. So far, the palm seeds he has sold have reached 10,000 pills.
"This type of Aren can produce 40 to 60 liters of Nira water per day from each bunch or mangoer. The difference is that these palms are tall and live longer, but the nira water that comes out when tapped does not drip but pours heavily," he explained, as quoted by Antara.
In addition to selling the seeds online, he also goes through a group of Rejang Lebong farmers on Facebook and his YouTube account also provides training to consumers on how to wiretap and treat ISN plants so that they can produce a lot of non-water.
Head of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Distankan) Rejang Lebong Zulkarnain said the palm plantations in Rejang Lebong Regency until the end of 2022 reached 2,280 hectares, with the amount of sugar produced in a year as much as 5,441.68 tons.
The area of land plantations in the area, he said, is the largest in Sindang Kelingi District, which is 984.5 hectares, then in Selupu Rejang District covering an area of 592 hectares, and the rest is spread over 12 other sub-districts.