So US President, Joe Biden Will Return Open Information To Media

JAKARTA - President of the United States (US) Joe Biden, promised to restore information transparency to the press. This was conveyed by President Joe Biden's Press Secretary, Jen Psaki in his first official press conference, seven hours after Biden's inauguration, Wednesday, January 20 local time.

Jen said he highly respects the role of a free and independent press in US democracy. This contrasts with the policies of former President Donald Trump and his top aides in the so-called 'fake news media'.

“There will be times we disagree, and there will definitely be days where we disagree to extensive, maybe even, parts of the briefing. But we have the same goal, which is to share accurate information with the American people, "he said.

"President Biden plans to return transparency and truth to government, to convey the truth even when it is hard to hear," Psaki added.

He added that he hopes to hold daily briefings at the White House on weekdays, including providing health officials to explain efforts to control the COVID-19 pandemic.

For information, during the administration of Donald Trump, the White House prohibited media that were too critical of attending daily briefings. This policy is considered to limit press freedom and independence and is incompatible with the democracy of the United States.