BNPT Calls Terrorist Attacks In Indonesia This Year Down 56 Percent Compared To 2022

JAKARTA The terrorism attack index in Indonesia in 2023 decreased by 56 percent when compared to the previous year. This was conveyed by the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) of the Republic of Indonesia stated. "Based on the Global Terrorism Index in Indonesia, it is seen that for attacks in 2023 it decreased by 56 percent," said BNPT Deputy for International Cooperation Andhika Chrisnayudanto, citing Antara, Thursday, May 18. The decline in the number of terrorism attacks is similar, said Andika also occurred in 2022 where according to the statement by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo for 2022 terrorism attacks (terrorism attack) fell by 86 percent. With this data, according to him, internationally and nationally, terrorism attacks in Indonesia experienced a decline. According to Andika, in addition to the decline on the attack side, the terrorism index in Indonesia also decreased on the side of the number of deaths and the socio-economic impact on society and the country. There are three things that are benchmarks for measuring the terrorism index, namely the side of the number of attacks, the number of victims and the impact caused by the attack. "The indicator of the decline is seen from the attack side and the Global Terrorism Index uses three main factors, namely from the factor of the number of deaths, the number of attacks, the number of attacks, the third is the socio-economic impact," he said., said Andika the suicide bombing incident in the Astana Anyar Sector Police, Bandung. The incident did not take many victims when compared to other major terrorism attacks in Indonesia.
"It can be seen from the number of deaths, not as many as the previous year. It means the number has decreased," he said, who was accompanied by the Secretary of the NCB Interpol Indonesia Divhubinter Polri Brigadier General Pol. Amur Candra Juli Buana and the Head of the International Convention Section of the National Police Divhubinter Kombes Pol. Dodied Prasetyo Aji.
With a small number of deaths, it also does not have a major effect on national and international economic circulation. This is different from the incidents of terrorism attacks on the Bali bombing which greatly affected various aspects such as socio-economic and international politics where the consequences were felt in the number of tourist visits which decreased drastically. However, said Andika, although the record of the terrorism attack Index has decreased, it does not make BNPT and other stakeholders take terrorism potential lightly because after all, this potential remains with the understanding of radicalism and the list of suspected terrorists, as well as a network of terrorist organizations such as Jamaah Islamiah and Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD).
According to the results of a BNPT survey with the Coordination Forum for the Prevention of Terrorism (FKPT), the Ministry of Religion Puslitbang, the UI Terrorism Studies, BRIN, The Center for Indonesian Strategic Resolution (CICSR), Nasaruddin Umar Office, The Nusa Institute, Daulat Bangsa and the Alvara Research Institute stated that the 2022 Radicalism Potential Index decreased by 2.2 percent, from 12.2 percent in 2020 to 10 percent.
The survey shows that the Potential Index for Radicalism is higher in women, the younger generation and those active on the internet.
The 2022 Terrorism Risk Index consists of target dimension and supply dimension for actors. The results of the assessment have succeeded in exceeding the target set by the 2020-2024 National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) where the target dimension index in 2022 is at 51.54.
This figure is lower than the one stipulated in the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) of 54.26. Furthermore, the index of the supply dimension is at 29.48. This figure is lower than the RPJMN set at 38.00. In this case, the smaller the index number, the lower the risk of terrorism. "So even so, the state has an obligation to carry out handling. The point is that even though attacks are down, we cannot take it lightly," said Andika. Andika stated that as the leading sector or leading sector for dealing with terrorism in Indonesia, the National Counterterrorism Agency of the Republic of Indonesia continues to be committed to countering terrorism and acts, as well as violent-based extremism in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 5 of 2018.