Government Launches Digital Platform Cross-EBTKE To Encourage Investment

JAKARTA - The Directorate General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) together with the UNDP's New, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (MTRE3) Market Transformation Project, released the New Energy, Renewable and Energy Conservation Service Digital Platform (LINTAS EBTKE). The launch of this platform aims to accelerate investment in the EBTKE sector.

"This Digital Platform is used for companies and the public in submitting information, requests for information, complaints and investments in the field of EBTKE," said Secretary of the Directorate General of KEBTKE Sahid Junaidi, Wednesday, May 17.

According to him, the implementation of the MTRE3 Project with UNDP Indonesia is a manifestation of the Government's partnership with international institutions to support the transition program towards clean energy.

This project also received grant support from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), making MTRE3 a forum for the implementation of activities that support environmental conservation and encourage market transformation efforts in the EBT sector through providing support for strengthening investment information systems and increasing capacity regarding EBT to local governments.

"Since its implementation in 2017, the MTRE3 Project has provided various benefits to the community in four pilot provinces, namely Riau, Jambi, West Sulawesi and East Nusa Tenggara (NTT)," continued Sahid.

One of the challenges faced by the MTRE3 Project in encouraging an increase in investment in the private sector and the public in the development of EBT in Indonesia is the limited integrated information media.

"With information that is easily accessible and integrated, it can serve as a guide for stakeholders and spur investment growth in the renewable energy sector and energy efficiency and market transformation. Therefore, the MTRE3 Project carries out Integrated Market Service Center (IMSC) activities," added Sahid.

For information, LINTAS EBTKE has been operating since 2016. Efforts to develop the EBTKE LINTAS website have been implemented since 2022 through the addition of an information menu related to the potential and investment guidelines for the EBT sector in the province.