Polri Submits Case Files Of Rizieq Shihab Cs, UMMI Hospital Case To The Prosecutor's Office

JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police handed over the investigation file of a suspected case of obstructing the work of the COVID-19 Task Force at the UMMI Hospital, Bogor to the Prosecutor's Office on Wednesday, January 20.

The Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri, Brig. Gen. Andi Rian, said that with the submission of the first phase of the investigation files, investigators were only waiting for the results of the analysis by the investigating prosecutors.

"Yes, that's right, it was delegated yesterday," Andi told VOI, Thursday, January 21.

In the handover of the first phase of the case, said Andi, investigators split the investigation files into 3. The files were divided according to the criminal acts committed by each suspect.

"The splitsing case file (separation) becomes 3 files," said Andi.

In this case, Bareskrim Polri named Rizieq Shihab, Hanif Alatas, and the President Director (Managing Director) of Ummi Hospital, doctor Andi Tatat as suspects.

Determination of the suspect as a suspect based on the case title. Investigators consider them to have committed a criminal act so that their status is upgraded from witness to suspect.

With the determination of these suspects, they were charged with Article 14 paragraphs 1 and 2 of Law number 4 of 1984 concerning Disease Outbreaks, Article 216 of the Criminal Code, and Articles 14 and 15 of Law number 1 of 1946 concerning Criminal Law Regulations.

This case began when the Bogor City Ummi Hospital was reported to the police because it was considered to be blocking the work of the COVID-19 Task Force team. The hospital is said to have not provided a complete explanation of Rizieq Shihab's COVID-19 swab examination.

The report is registered with the number LP / 650 / XI / 2020 / JBR / Bogor City Police, dated November 28, 2020, made by the COVID-19 Task Force.

However, the President Director of Ummi Hospital Andi Tatat denied that Rizieq Shihab and his family had fled from the hospital. Rizieq is said to have returned home at the request of his family.