Minim Personnel, Judicial Commission Claims To Provide Maximum Hakim Supervision In West Sumatra
The Judicial Commission (KY) of the Republic of Indonesia continues to maximize the role of supervising and protecting judges in West Sumatra (West Sumatra) despite the lack of number of liaison office personnel in the province.
"Of the three KY personnel connecting West Sumatra, we continue to try to explore, discuss, conduct studies and supervision of judges," said KY Chairman Mukti Fajar Nur Dewata as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 17.
This includes maximizing the participation of the KY Liaison Office in providing protection for judges who have the potential to be bribed in handling a case.
This was conveyed by Mukti Fajar in response to the reduction in one member of the KY Liaison Office after West Sumatra KY Liaison Assistant Hanif Aidhil Alwana died on Sunday 9 April 2023 due to an accident.
The Professor of the Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, said that the reduction in one KY Liaison personnel not only left sorrow, but also had an impact on the performance of supervising and protecting judges in the country.
His party claimed to have spoken directly with the Secretary-General of KY regarding the plan to add members at the West Sumatra KY Liaison Office. However, until now KY has not been able to confirm when it will be realized.
The existence of the KY Liaison Office in West Sumatra and other provinces is expected to play an important role for the justice-seeking community as when complaining to police institutions, the Ombudsman, Komnas HAM and so on.
In order to anticipate the practice of bribery against judges who can come from various parties, including lawyers, the Chairperson of KY continues to invite all parties to work professionally and uphold legal justice.
In fact, on various occasions, especially when teaching Advocate Professional Special Education (PKPA), the Chairman of KY said that he often told lawyers not to bribe judges
"I tell my lawyer friends, if you want to win, don't try to bribe the judge. Win by scientific means, strategy for events and so on. That's more honorable," he said.