Police Wait For Balita Autopsy Results In Trenggalek Dies Post-immunization

TRENGGALEK - Investigators at the Trenggalek Police, East Java are still waiting for the autopsy results of the toddler case with the initials MAOR who died after immunization.

"The status of this case, whether it continues to be investigated or not, is waiting for the autopsy results from the East Java Police Dokkes team," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Trenggalek Police, Iptu Agus Salim, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, May 14.

A total of 15 witnesses were questioned by the police. Starting from the family, related health workers to the village government.

However, the information obtained is deemed insufficient to draw conclusions regarding the cause of death of MAOR's toddler.

"The causes of death can only be identified from the autopsy results, as well as expert statements," he said.

The results of the autopsy became an important point in conducting a case title. From the title of the case, the police will also determine whether the case goes up to the investigation stage or stops in the investigation process.

"If the autopsy results come out, we will immediately conduct a case title so that we can determine whether this case can go up to the next stage or not," he said.

In addition to examining dozens of witnesses, investigators have also carried out various series of investigations, including asking for "law enforcement" (legal opinion) to personnel from one of the state universities in East Java.

Legal opinion is to find out whether there is a procedural error in the immunization process.

"For legal oppinion we have obtained the results. But we cannot publish legal oppinion results because it contains procedures," he said.

Previously, the East Java Police Dokpol team demolished a baby grave with the initials MAOR aged five months at the Gunung Cilik TPU, Surondakan Trenggalek Village.

The autopsy followed up on reports from the two parents of the victim regarding the death of his baby after immunization which was considered odd by the family of the toddler.