Ministry Of Religion Opens Lecture Registration At Al Azhar Egypt For Graduates Of Islamic Boarding School
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) has opened registration for graduates of madrasah aliyah and Islamic boarding schools to continue their studies at Al Azhar University through scholarships and non-beasis.
"Registration for lectures at Al Azhar, both scholarship routes and non-students, is open from May 12 to 21, 2023," said Director General of Islamic Education at the Ministry of Religion Ali Ramdhani as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 12.
Al Azhar through the Egyptian Embassy in Jakarta opened a quota of 20 people. The selection was carried out by the Ministry of Religion.
The opportunity for the study, he said, is also open to prospective students holding your diploma is madrasah aliyah throughout Indonesia.
"This is as it was in previous years," said Ramdhani.
Meanwhile, the Director of Islamic Higher Education at the Ministry of Religion MZainul Hamdi said the provisions for those who would register were prospective students who graduated from madrasah aliyah and registered Islamic boarding schools/accredited at the Ministry of Religion.
Kemudian telah memenuhi persyaratan sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku di Universitas Al Azhar, antaranya memenuhi syarat uji competensi bahasa Ikhtibar Tashfiyah/Tahdid Mustawa dari lembaga yang diakui Universitas Al Azhar.
As the basis for providing scholarship recommendations and non-students, he said, the Ministry of Religion will cooperate with the Al Azhar Language Center Markaz Syekh Zayed (MSZ) in conducting language competency tests and national insight tests.
The language competency test will be carried out by Markaz Syekh Zayed (MSZ) in Cairo from 25 to 27 May 2023. The results of the Language Competency Test will be announced on 30 May 2023.
"The National Insight Test (TWK) will be held on May 31 and June 1, 2023 and the results will be announced on June 5, 2023," he said.
The 20 best people based on the results of the competency test will be submitted as candidates for full scholarship recipients of Al Azhar for 2023-2024.
Meanwhile, prospective students who are declared to have passed (passing grade) who have been determined in the exam, are entitled to a recommendation from the Ministry of Religion through the non-beasis pathway and can continue to the stage of language matriculation, filing, and registration.
Prospective students can also carry out filing and registration stages at Al Azhar University, both individually and collectively.