Kejari Abdya Kalculasi Losses Negara Rp184 Miliar Dari Kasus Perkebunan Sawit Ilegal
The District Attorney (Kejari) of Southwest Aceh (Abdya) found indications of state losses from state land managers for oil palm plantations illegally ( sawit corruption) by a company in Southwest Aceh Regency reaching Rp184 billion.
Daily Executive Head of the Legal Information and Public Relations Section of the Aceh High Prosecutor's Office, Ali Rasab Lubis, said the company had the initials PT C. The oil palm plantation which was managed without a permit was located in Babahrot, Southwest Aceh Regency.
"The findings of indications of state losses were revealed by a team of investigators from the Southwest Aceh District Attorney's Office in the case exposure at the Aceh High Prosecutor's Office. In this exposure, the investigative team found state losses from state land managers for oil palm plantations without permits reaching Rp. 184 billion," said Ali Rasab Lubis as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, May 11.
Ali Rasab Lubis said the indication of state losses of Rp. 184 billion came from the illegal profit from the sale of palm fresh fruit bunches (FFB) on state land with an area of 4,847.18 hectares.
In fact, the management of the land was only based on the recommendations of Committee B and Acting Governor of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam in 1990. Only based on these recommendations, PT C freely manages state land for oil palm plantations.
Ali Rasab said PT C is also a right to use business (HGU) voter with a permit issued in 1990. The company's HGU area reaches 7,516 hectares.
However, in its management, said Ali Rasab Lubis, PT C does not carry out its obligation to preserve the natural resource environment and carry out the obligation to build plasma gardens.
"As a result, the state's economic losses reached more than Rp. 10.17 trillion. The state's economic losses were also disclosed by a team of investigators from the Southwest Aceh District Attorney," said Ali Rasab Lubis.
Before explaining the results of the investigation, the Southwest Aceh District Attorney's team asked for information from 32 related parties from the Southwest Aceh Regency Government, Member of the Southwest Aceh DPRK, State Land Agency (BPN) Aceh Province.
Then, village heads and former village heads, communities around state land managed by PT CA without permission, including forestry experts, environmental experts, and agrarian legal experts from a number of universities.
"Based on the export results of the case, the investigation into the alleged corruption of oil palm plantation business activities on state land by PT C in Babahrot, Southwest Aceh Regency, has been increased to the investigation stage from the previous investigation," said Ali Rasab Lubis.