Bandung City Government Reviews The Construction Of Gedebage Waste Power Plants Using Technology In 2013

BANDUNG - Bandung City Government (Pemkot) is again reviewing the construction of the Gedebage waste power plant (PLTSa).

Head of the Bandung City Environment and Hygiene Agency (DLHK) Dudy Prayudi said the study by PT BRIL was carried out because of the technology that had been used in 2013.

"This is planned to still use old technology in 2013. So there needs to be adjustments to the current conditions," Dudy said in Bandung, Thursday, May 11, as reported by Antara.

According to Dudy, there needs to be further studies also regarding the socio-economic value of this PLTSa, because the current socio-economic values are definitely different from 2013.

"Especially with inflation, this must be reviewed whether the technology is economical or not," he said.

The location of the PLTSa will still be in Gedebage, it is hoped that the PLTSa work can be carried out as soon as possible.

Although many argue to replace third parties, according to Dudy there is a mechanism that must be implemented.

"In accordance with the regulations, especially this year there are regulatory changes. There must be studies from legal, juridical, and administrative aspects," he said.