Have A Large Collection Of Bags? Here's How To Treat It To Make It More Durable

JAKARTA - Everyone generally has several types of bags to support their appearance. From briefcases, party bags, bags for casual walks, sports bags, and other bags that are used in certain moments or moods.
Having a large collection of bags is actually fine, but remember that all need to be cared for in order to be durable and quality is maintained for a long time. Especially if you buy a branded bag at a high price, it would be a shame not if it was damaged because you didn't get treatment?
Here are some tips for caring for bags that can be done regularly:
Clean it immediately when it gets dirtyWhen you use certain bags and get dirty, for example spilled coffee, food stains, or open and scattered stationery, clean them immediately before storing them again. Use a cotton swab and warm water to remove the stain. Don't rub too vigorously, just rub it gently until it's clean again.
If you see mold on the surface or in the bag, clean it immediately so as not to damage it further. Consider buying bag-specific soap so that the results are more optimal and safer for the bag material.
Used regularlyBags that are stored for too long, especially in the wrong way, will be vulnerable to damage even though they are rarely used. So, one of the easiest ways to care for a bag is to use it regularly. You can take turns using the entire collection of bags so that everyone can breathe freely and not always in storage.
Always remember, it is better for a bag to be damaged from frequent use until satisfied than to be damaged by never being used.
Store in a dustbagDo not store bags in plastic bags to protect them from dust. Plastic makes the bag less breathable and the conditions inside are damp. If there is, store it in a dustbag or use a bag made of thin cloth. In this way, the bag is protected from dust and will not be exposed to friction from other bags.
Use a bag pillowWhen there is a bag that is not upright and stiff, you should fill it with a special pillow when stored. This method is done so that the shape is not dented and wrinkled. If there are no special pads, you can fill the bag with a rolled cloth until the bag is full or use bubble wrap.
Don't hang and stackHanging or stacking bags may seem easy. However, if too many bags are hung in the same place, they are all prone to dust, mold, and scratches on each other. Not to mention that the rope can become loose.
Bags should indeed be stored on an open shelf or cupboard and arranged one by one. However, if you have cloth bags, such as canvas tote bags or cotton backpacks, it is possible to stack them together with similar bags because the material is not as thin as leather.
Do not store in damp placesIf your room tends to get damp, find another area that is cooler and drier to store bags. Because, excess moisture is not too good for the bag because it is easy to cause mold and damage its condition. Also, you should avoid putting bags in wooden cabinets and dark places because they can cause mold.