Provisional Standings For 2023 SEA Games Medals: Indonesia Over Thailand

JAKARTA - The Indonesian contingent maintains its place in second place in the Cambodia 2023 SEA Games medal standings. The Red and White Team competed closely with Thailand and the Philippines below it.
As of Saturday, Indonesia managed to win a total of eight gold, seven silver and 1 bronze medals. Meanwhile, the host Cambodia was firmly at the top of the standings with 18 gold, 11 silver and 11 bronze medals.
Thailand, which has a total of more medals, namely 32 medals, is in third place. They collected seven gold, ten silver, and 16 bronze.
Meanwhile, the Philippines, which has the same gold as Thailand, is in fourth position. The team also collected nine silver and 13 bronze.
As is known, Indonesia's gold medal comes from several sports. For example, Feri Yudoyono who succeeded in marrying the men's Cross Country Olympic (XCO) number of bicycle racing gold after Sayu Bella Sukma Dewi became the leading in the women's sector.
The gold medal was also successfully presented by Ahmad Zigi Zaresta Yuda in the men's individual men's number karate sport.
The seventh gold for Indonesia at the 2023 SEA Games comes from the Vovinam sport with Manik Trisna Dewi Wetan who won the Dragon Tiger Form number.
Hendro Yap added to Indonesia's gold coffers as well as Indonesia's third gold winner from athletics at the Cambodian SEA Games after winning the number 20 kilometer fast road.
The following is the preliminary standings for the 2023 SEA Games medals according to the official page:
No. Total Bronze Silver Country
1. Cambodia 18 11 11 40
2. Indonesia 8 7 11 26
3. Thailand 7 10 16 33
4. Philippines 7 8 14 29
5. Vietnam 6 11 17 34
6. Singapore 5 2 3 10
7. Myanmar 3 1 10 14
8. Laos 2 4 7 13
9. Malaysia 2 2 9 13
10. Brunei Darussalam 0 0-1 1
11. Timor Leste 0 0 0 1 1