Cat-Infected Disease: Even Though It's Funny But Must Be Very Alert If You Don't Want To Regret It Later

YOGYAKARTA - We all know that cats are extraordinary pets, and the benefits of living with cats are much greater than their losses. But some diseases can be transmitted from cat to human. This disease is called zoonosis, or zoonosis. Want to know what diseases are cat-borne diseases?

This time we will highlight diseases that can be transmitted by cats to humans, so you can practice prevention strategies, and minimize risks.


Most people know that pregnant people shouldn't be tasked with cleaning cat sand boxes. But do you know why? Cats are generally carriers of unicellular organisms called the Toxoplasma gondyi. Cats may not show signs of disease, even though they have transmitted infective organisms through their droppings.

People are infected through accidental hand-to-mouth transmission when dealing with cat droppings, so everyone has to practice the cleanliness of their hands standardly after cleaning the sandbox, and wearing gloves while gardening. If a woman has never been exposed to the toxicoplasma organism and is infected while pregnant, the effect on the baby can be serious. So, if you expect it, make sure there are always other people who clean the box of dirt every day.

Mining worms and roundworms

Mining worm eggs and roundworms can be transmitted through cat droppings and infect humans. Mining worms can enter through human skin (that is, cutaneous larvae of migrants) for example, a person walking on foot in sand contaminated with cat droppings. Cat bracelet worms that are swallowed accidentally can cause human infection in the internal organs (that is, the zignosis of the visceral larvae) and the eyes (that is, the zigns of the ocular larvae). Every year in the United States, about 700 people (most of the children) lose sight due to this condition. Due to this zoonosis parasitic, pets are usually not allowed to be on the beach, and children's sand boxes should be closed when not used. Dispose cat droppings in the yard and trash can every day. To prevent infection of zoonosis of mine worms and roundworms:

Wash your hands thoroughly before cooking and eating.

Don't let the kids put dirty objects in their mouths.

Cat worm medicine regularly.

Our practices follow the recommendation of the Companion Animal Parasite Council that all cats require regular deworming drugs and regular fecess checks.


Krap is a skin disease that can be transmitted from cat to human, but is not caused by worms. On the other hand, dermatological fungus causes the opaque to be named such because infection causes circular skin lesions in humans. Cats infected with krap usually have scaly skin patches with hair falling out.

Mushrooms can be taken from the environment or from other infected cats. People with immune disorders, the younger, and the older ones are most at risk of getting ringworm from cats. Long-term treatment with oral and topical drugs, as well as environmental decontamination, is sometimes needed to clean up the cat's disease. If your cat suffers from garap and someone at home you have skin lesions, call your doctor.

Cat clawing disease

People can catch cat clawy disease when scaled by a cat infected with a bacteria named Bartonella, which is lodged in tick droppings (namely ticky droppings) carried by a cat's claw. People who are infected can experience swelling of the lymph nodes and fever. Severe disease can occur in people with immune disorders. Twenty percent of cats carry these bacteria but do not hurt.

Always wash clean cattares with soap and running water. You can reduce the risk of cat clawing that is transmitted from cat to human through effective tick control if you don't have a cat at home with ticks, the cat won't keep bacteria in its claw. Ask our Just Cats Clinic team about controlling the best ticks for your cat.


Rabies is a virus transmitted through the saliva of infected animals. Effective vaccine protocols have made rabies less common, but 224 cats were reportedly diagnosed with rabies in the United States in 2015. Also, remember a dozen cats that affected a dozen people by rabies in Thanksgiving in 2017?

In the United States, cats are the most frequently reported pets with rabies, partly because some people mistakenly believe that indoor cats don't need to be vaccinated. Virginia state law requires all cats 4 months of age and over to be vaccinated against rabies, plus routine repeaters of rabies throughout their lives. Always call your doctor whenever the cat bit you, and call our team to discuss the best vaccination plans for your cat or baby.

So after knowing the cat-borne disease, look at other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!