How To Apply Eco-Friendly Concepts On Vacation

JAKARTA - Applying an environmentally friendly lifestyle can be applied anywhere and anytime. If you are used to doing it in everyday life, it will be easier to continue to apply it in various conditions. For example, like while on vacation.

For example, simple things like saving water and not littering. If you are used to doing that everyday, of course the same thing will happen wherever you are, right?

While on vacation, what are some good things that can be done for the environment?

Cut down on single-use items

While on vacation, you may often be tempted to buy plastic packaged food, buy a drink or use a disposable straw, use a tissue, or bring a sachet of shampoo. Even though it looks easy, this is certainly against the environmentally friendly practices that you are running.

So, even if it's a bit of a hassle, try bringing your own bottle and place to eat just in case if you want to snack outside. Also bring your own toiletries in small, reusable bottles.

Select transportation other than plane

If possible, choose a mode of transportation other than aircraft. Even though it is faster, air travel is considered not environmentally friendly because it has the potential to produce pollutants that are released into the air.

Alternatively, you can choose a vacation destination that can be reached by private car, bus, ship or train. Arriving at your destination, you can increase your walk, rent a bicycle, or take public transportation.

Avoid printing paper

As much as possible, avoid printing paper. Starting from airplane tickets, proof of lodging reservations, travel plans, maps, and travel brochures. We recommend that you take advantage of today's advanced technology. Select the e-ticket or barcode scan. Write travel plans in a mobile note. If there is an interesting brochure, just photograph it via the cellphone camera.

Shop for local products

During the holidays, you can get used to shopping for local products. For example, buy food at local warungs, eat at restaurants owned by local residents, or buy handicrafts made by local people.

Don't spoil anything in nature

If you take a vacation to nature, be it mountains, lakes, beaches, hills, rivers, make sure not to leave the slightest trash behind, even if it's cigarette butts or scars. Also, don't damage, scribble, change anything you see in nature, pick fruit or flowers, disturb animals, touch coral reefs, and collect beach sand to take home.