Alien Turns Out To Be Able To Monitor Human Activities From Leaked Radio Signals

JAKARTA - A new study proves that aliens in nearby stars with capable technology can detect Earth through leaked radio signals.

Based on data sourced from crowds, scientists from The University of Manchester and the University of Mauritius simulated radio leaks from cell towers to determine what Liem civilizations might detect from nearby stars.

The star also includes Barnard, which has a distance of six light years from Earth. The results of the findings saw only technologically more advanced civilizations that could detect the current radio leakage rate of cellular towers from Earth.

However, as most alien civilizations tend to have sensitive receiving systems and as they move towards a stronger broadband system on Earth, human detection from other intelligent beings will be more likely.

"I've heard a lot of colleagues say that Earth has become increasingly radio quiet in recent years, a claim I've always been fighting over," said Professor Mike Hansen, Head of Project Team and Director of the Jodrell Bank Astrophysics Center at The University of Manchester, quoted Wednesday, May 3.

While it is true that we have fewer powerful TV and radio transmitters at this time, the proliferation of cellular communication systems around the world is huge. While each system represents relatively low radio power individually, the integrated spectrum of these billions of devices is huge," he added.

GER stressed that estimates now suggest Earth will have more than one hundred thousand satellites in low orbit and beyond before the end of this decade.

"Earth is already very bright in the radio spectrum section, if the trend continues, we can easily be detected by any advanced civilization with the right technology,"ANGD said.

In a study published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,und uses a signal model that aliens may receive from Earth, produced by Ramiro Saide, who is now an intern at the Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Hat Creek Radio Observatory and M.Phil student at The University of Mauritius.

The simulations also show Earth's mobile radio signatures include substantial contributions from developing countries, including Africa, which scientists say are an interesting development and highlight its success in passing through the ground development stage and moving directly into the digital era.

"Every day we learn more about the characteristics of exoplanets through space missions such as Kepler and Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, with further insight from the James Webb Space Telescope," said Dr. Nalini Heeralall-Issur, supervisor Saide and Associate Professor at the University of Mauritius.

"I believe that there is a possibility of an advanced civilization out there, and some may be able to observe human-made radio leaks originating from planet Earth," he added.

After this, scientists intend to expand their research to include other contributors to Earth radio leaks, such as strong civilian and military radars, new digital broadcast systems, Wi-Fi networks, individual mobile handsets, and now set of satellite constellations launched into low Earth orbits, such as SpaceX's Starlink system.