Hundreds Of Ponpes In Cianjur Have Not Yet Reported Face-to-Face Learning Activities To The COVID-19 Task Force

JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Task Force in Cianjur, West Java, noted that hundreds of Islamic boarding schools (Ponpes) in the region had not reported and obtained permits for teaching and learning activities. Until now, only 8 boarding schools have routinely reported to the task force.

The spokesman for the Cianjur Covid-19 Coordination and Information Center, Dr. Yusman Faisal, said routine reporting was carried out after officers found a COVID-19 cluster in Cianjur.

"But until now only 8 boarding schools routinely report their activities to the task force, while in Cianjur, there are hundreds of boarding schools scattered from north to south. Our hope is that the board of boarding schools will comply with the appeal, for the common interest," said Yusman. , January 19.

If the boarding school has implemented provisions based on standard health protocols, the task force will issue a permit or recommendation to carry out activities.

Based on the initial commitment, the boarding school can hold learning and boarding activities for students but they are required to report, not only at the beginning but regularly. Initial reports to the task force while later on to the cluster at the sub-district level.

Due to the lack of Islamic boarding schools reporting and applying for permits, his party will evaluate and communicate with the management so as not to hold learning activities before applying for a permit.

"Including the activities at the Al Madarroh Islamic Boarding School which collapsed a few days ago, did not apply for a permit but have already held activities as usual. We will confirm to each boarding school board, to stop activities before applying for a permit to the task force," he said.

He explained that currently the government, from central to regional, is trying to break the chain of distribution and reduce the number of infections that occur. Various ways have been done, including implementing New Habit Adaptation (AKB) plus in order to limit community activities.

"These efforts will be meaningless if they are not supported by various groups including the boarding school in Cianjur. Sporadic transmission can happen to anyone, especially in environments that do not apply proper health protocols," he said.