Prabowo, Airlangga And Ical Meet Again, Discuss The 2024 Presidential Election Duet?

JAKARTA - Gerindra Party Chairman Prabowo Subianto visited the residence of Golkar Party Board Speaker Aburizal Bakrie (Ical) on Jalan Ki Mangunsarkorom, Menteng, Jakarta. Golkar chairman Airlangga Hartarto was also present.
This meeting is Prabowo's second time, Airlangga and Aburizal met after the PDI-P decided to carry the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo as candidates for president on April 21.
Golkar Party spokesman Tantowi Yahya admitted that he had not received any information regarding the discussion at the meeting. Including the question of whether or not Golkar's agreement will form a coalition with Gerindra and the possibility of Airlangga pairing up with Prabowo for the 2024 presidential election.
Tantowi asked to wait because the communication process regarding the election is still ongoing between the two parties.
"We'll just have to wait and see how the results of the discussion of the three figures. Are they discussing the presidential and vice presidential candidates or other issues that are not related to this," said Tantowi when confirmed, Tuesday, May 2.
What is certain, continued Tantowi, is that Golkar will continue to fight for Airlangga's candidacy in accordance with the mandate of the Golkar National Conference (Munas) in 2019. If Airlangga is no longer a presidential candidate, he said, then Golkar must hold a forum to change the National Conference's decision.
"Progress as a presidential candidate is the mandate of the National Conference. If it has to be changed, yes, it must go through a mechanism at the munas level forum," he explained.
It is known that Prabowo came alone wearing a brown shirt and was greeted directly by Aburizal and the General Chair of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto.
In an official statement received, Prabowo's arrival at Aburizal's residence was in the context of a gathering as well as having lunch together. However, it was not disclosed whether there were talks regarding cooperation between political parties or not.
After discussing and having lunch, Prabowo rushed to say goodbye and was sent home until he got into the car by Aburizal and Airlangga.