Gibran Rakabuming Called Other Regional Heads Less Compact To Prevent The Spread Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - Candidate for Mayor of Surakarta Gibran Rakabuming Raka will collaborate with a number of districts as buffer areas around Solo City to restore the economy after the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Our concern in 2021 is a challenge in the future considering that COVID-19 will not only impact health but also the economy. Therefore, the recovery of the post-COVID-19 economic acceleration is a concern," said President Joko Widodo's first son in Solo, as quoted by Antara. from Antara, Monday 18 January.

He said that cooperation with the buffer areas, namely Sukoharjo, Boyolali, Wonogiri, Karanganyar, Klaten and Sragen Regencies is one of the priorities. He said that later the cooperation would begin with a dialogue between regional heads.

"The important thing is to be compact, don't go alone, because what happens in other districts will have an impact on Solo. If the total population in Solo is around 500,000, during the day the number can reach 2.5 million. This means that Solo becomes a magnet. in the surrounding area, it is clear we are opening communication, eliminating egosectoralism, "he said.

He also highlighted the policy problems of each regional head that so far have seemed incompatible, one of which is limiting the activities of young children and pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"For example, small children and pregnant women are prohibited from entering malls, it has been implemented in Solo, but they 'nagged' then choose to go to malls outside Solo. Don't let Solo be strict but not other areas," he said.

In addition to increasing cooperation between regions, he will also issue a number of policies aimed at lifting the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) sector, which is currently mostly hit by COVID-19.

"Economic recovery must facilitate credit restructuring for MSMEs, increase labor-intensive programs for those affected by layoffs (termination of employment), and provide leeway in levies and taxes for MSMEs and open up opportunities for us to prepare a 'creative hub'," he said.

He said that the existence of the creative hub was so that young people could increase their competitiveness and UMKM in Solo could move up in class by utilizing technology.

"Apart from that, I want a business incubation center to develop startups, I want a co-working space for work space and collaboration, we want a creative space as an exhibition and art space, and the most important thing is a maker space as a work space. To produce finished goods, because in fact all young Solo people are creative, it only remains to be given the space and stage, "he said.

Regarding MSMEs, he also did not want government policies to actually kill business actors. According to him, as long as it adheres to health protocols, there is no problem with stalls and cafes selling until late at night.

"As recently there was a viral stall (which was asked to close by the Sukoharjo Regency Government), don't let something like that happen in Solo. MSMEs in Solo have been hit hard by COVID-19. Limitation on operating hours needs to be tightened but don't limit the space for movement. them, stalls that open at night are not a problem but increase delivery services. If you eat at a place you have to be limited, that's already in SE too, "he said.