Black Eye Bags Appearing Suddenly? Immediately Recognize The Cause

JAKARTA - Do you have dark circles in the eye bag area? If so, you are not alone. Black eye bags or often called panda eyes are a common condition that often occurs. Not only in adults, children also experience it.

Usually, black eye bags are caused by a lack of sleep. It could be because you stay up late at night, stress because of many unresolved problems, to trivial issues such as watching several seasons of drama series.

The appearance of dark circles under the eyes indicates that you should prioritize your body to get some rest.

Even though there are now many creams sold to disguise dark eye bags, it would be better if you try to overcome it by adjusting a sleep schedule or even if possible add more rest hours to remove these panda eyes.

Quoting information from the Healthdigest page, dark circles that suddenly appear under the eyes are usually caused by fatigue. Sometimes these dark circles are an illusion caused by shadows appearing from swollen eyelids.

If you are short on sleep, fluid may build up on your eyelids and make them swell, so they start forming shadows.

Furthermore, the Mayo Clinic also shares other causes of black eye bags. These causes can be due to allergies, eczema, excess skin pigment, sun exposure, and genetic factors.

"The under-eye area is one of the thin and easily overlooked areas in basic skin care. There is a strong genetic component to dark circles, which is beyond human control," said Paul Jarrod Frank, a cosmetic dermatologist in New York City, United States.

Another factor that causes panda eyes is a sign of aging. As you get older, your skin will become thinner. Fat and collagen in the skin will decrease over time.

When this happens, the dark blood vessels under the skin become more visible and begin to darken the area under the eyes.

So whether it's due to lack of sleep, genetic factors, or just a natural aging process, dark eye bags are harmless, and are not a sign of any disease.

To prevent or eliminate it without the help of any cream, you are advised to have enough sleep, avoid excessive stress, and consume vegetables and fruits. Don't forget to be diligent in exercising as well as being on the agenda.