Police Did Not Find Elements Of Violation In The Crowd Of Raffi Ahmad At A Birthday Party

JAKARTA - The police confirmed that the birthday party which was attended by Raffi Ahmad some time ago was not proven to have violated the health protocol (prokes). This was concluded based on the results of the investigation by examining witnesses.

"The element of the suspicion in Article 93 does not exist because only 18 people were there, entered with the prokes, we have checked everything," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Monday, January 18.

In addition, from the witness examination it was found that the birthday ceremony had a fairly strict health protocol. For example, guests are required to undergo an antigen swab before entering the house which is the venue.

"The three pillars of the task force have gone directly to the residence of RG's brother (Ricardo Gelael) and have seen it firsthand. That was a privacy activity carried out by 18 people who were close to him," he said.

"Entering the prokes, we have checked everything, there is an antigen swab, only 18 people in it, only the closest people to the event," continued Yusri.

The crowd involving Raffi Ahmad started sticking out after his photo was spread on social media for some time. In fact, Raffi's involvement in the crowd was after he got the chance to get the first vaccination at the State Palace.

In the photo circulating, Raffi Ahmad and his wife, Nagita Slavina, took a photo without wearing a mask and keeping a distance from a number of people, including Gading Marten and Anya Geraldine.

In fact, not long after, through his personal Instagram account @ raffinagita1717, Raffi apologized to all parties.

"Regarding the incident last night, where I was seen gathering with friends without a mask and without keeping a distance, first I apologize profusely to the President of the Republic of Indonesia Mr. @jokowi, the Presidential Secretariat, KPCPEN, and also to all Indonesian people for this incident. , "said Raffi Ahmad.

Still through his Instagram account, Raffi Ahmad also did not justify the crowding he had done. Raffi admitted that he was careless so he made mistakes.

"To be honest, last night's incident was purely due to my negligence, because of my mistake. In the future I will adhere more to the 3M health protocol (wearing masks, keeping your distance, washing your hands). I also hope that my friends and all Indonesian people will continue to carry out the protocol. health, even though vaccinations are running. Vaccines and health protocols are one unit, "he said.