Israel Will Immediately Build Settlements In The Territory Of The Future State Of Palestine

JeJAKARTA - The Israeli government has approved plans to build hundreds of new homes in the West Bank. Where will Israel build the project? One of them is in an area that is part of the future state of Palestine.

The project flourished in the final days of the pro-settlement administration of United States (US) President Donald Trump. Quoting Reuters, Monday, January 18, 2021, the plan to build houses was announced directly by Israeli Prime Minister (PM) Benjamin Netanyahu.

The construction of houses is carried out in areas captured by Israel in the 1967 war and which Palestinians want as part of a future state. Netanyahu ordered the construction of houses to be brought forward.

Sunday, 17 January 2021. A government committee gives final ratification for 365 houses and preliminary approval for another 415. This was conveyed by the Israeli anti-settlement group Peace Now, which monitors the session.

The curse of Palestine

A spokesman for the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, condemned the construction and called it illegal. He also accused Israel of "preemptive measures to undermine any attempt by US President-elect Joe Biden to re-launch the stalled peace process."

In a statement, the European Union said Israel's latest decision to advance the plan "contravenes international law and further undermines prospects for a viable two-state solution."

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid has opposed the timing of the construction agreement. He said it was an "irresponsible move."

"The Biden administration is still not in office and the government has already directed us to unnecessary confrontations," he said.

Lapid, who heads the Yesh Atid party, appears to link the decision to the upcoming Knesset elections.

"Even during elections, the national interest needs to be protected. A sane government does not initiate unnecessary battles with the new American president, "he added.

Links to the Biden government

Settler leaders have voiced concern that once in office, Biden, a Democrat critical of Israeli settlement activity, will try to slow down construction of settler homes.

Peace Now said a settlement agreement for settlers "should not put Israel on a path to conflict with the upcoming Biden administration."

Most countries view Israeli settlements as violating international law. Israel denies this, citing historical, political and scriptural links to the West Bank, where more than 440,000 Israeli settlers now live among 3 million Palestinians. President Trump has effectively supported Israel's right to build settlements in the West Bank.

Trump also won Israeli praise and sparked Palestinian ire by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Trump has also moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem. US-backed peace talks between Israel and Palestine broke down in 2014.