Tips For Maintaining Focus In Busy Environments

JAKARTA - Being in a busy and distracting environment can make it difficult for a person to focus.

For example, you are working in an office. However, people are moving around, the sound of the printer beeping incessantly, the sound of the telephone ringing from time to time, plus the sound of people chatting, screaming, laughing, all in one place in your ears.

In these conditions, of course you will find it more difficult to concentrate. Even though you certainly need to focus on completing personal work.

If you need to manage your working hours to be productive and not distracted by external things, try following the tips below.

Give a signal to everyone in the room
Busy illustration (Unsplash / Andrew Neel)

Someone will find it difficult to prohibit coworkers from opening the chat during working hours. Moreover, chat about work and tasks that must be completed immediately.

This can be annoying at times, so try to signal the entire workspace that you are busy working on assignments.

If co-workers see that you are serious about completing a task, they will be less likely to break your focus.

This method can keep you focused on your work and not be bothered by anyone. You also don't need to say that you're busy, there's no need to stick a card that says 'do not disturb'.

Find a view that supports concentration
Illustration of work desk view (Unsplash / Alex Knight)

Each office has a different room design. Whether in a cubicle or a workbench without a divider, the view that is visible will determine a person's focus. So, find a view that supports you to stay focused and concentrate.

For example, it can make your desk cooler by providing access to small plants. One part of the table, although small, has a big effect. You can also choose the view to the window or choose a room that is not too noisy.

Save the device
Illustrations work without gadgets (Unsplash / NordWood Themes)

A notification sounds when you are on fire completing a job, of course it becomes an unexpected disturbance. The arrival of notifications also cannot be arranged, except by turning on silent mode and placing it out of sight. For example, put it in a desk drawer.

Make sure first aid is available
Work desk drawer illustration (Unsplash / REKORD Furniture)

From medicine to snacks and candy, make sure it's available in a desk drawer. When unexpected times occur, first aid will function properly. For example, feeling a migraine after hours of facing a computer screen, the drug is readily available, without the need to cut off focus and concentration.

Avoid multi-tasking
Illustration on the front of a laptop and device (Unsplash / William Iven)

According to author of Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World and professor at Georgetown University, Cal Newport says that it is not easy to focus on completing a task in a busy place.

The key to being more productive is to avoid multi-tasking at one time.

Launching from SHRM, multi-tasking can make productive time decrease by 40 percent. Understanding and focus on completing tasks will also decrease by 11 percent.

From the points above, it means that someone needs to condition the internal aspects and be flexible with the external aspects, they will be more productive and focus on completing tasks.