Six Signs Of Expired Perfume, Do You Know?

JAKARTA - Perfume is often used as a collection item, both by men and women. There are those who like to collect unique perfume bottles, there are also those who like to explore their fragrances. However, having a large amount of perfume often makes a person forget to pay attention to the expiration date of the perfume. And wearing expired perfume can be bad for health.

According to Linda G. Levy, president of The Fragrance Foundation, perfume lovers must know that basically the lifetime of a perfume is one year after purchase and after opening.

Even so, the lifespan depends on each perfume because every perfume is different. Its resistance also depends on the formula and the type of ingredients used. Also do not miss, how to store perfume also affects its durability.

Linda said air and light are factors that can reduce the quality of perfume, so the amount of air in the bottle can affect the perfume itself. Not to forget, Linda also explained that the signs of expired perfume can be seen from;

The scent changes

Basically, the human nose can tell if the perfume smells slightly sour. If there is a sour smell that is almost the same as vinegar, even though before this smell was almost non-existent, then you can be sure that the perfume's quality has decreased and it is time to get rid of it.

The corner of the spray has scale

If there are crusts or crystals in the corners of the spray, it means the product has oxidized and already smells rancid, in other words the perfume has expired. Clean the scale on the bottle neck with a dry cloth. If when you spray it you still smell stale, then the perfume is not suitable for use.

The perfume becomes cloudy

The longer the perfume lasts, the more the preservative formula will fade. Perfume that has expired will turn cloudy, because this is a sign of bacteria and fungus in the perfume.

Try shaking the perfume, if you see anything floating in the perfume, you can bet it's bacteria and fungi, so it's best to throw it away immediately. But if the color changes to a more faded color without any fine particles, it could be due to light or heat. Color change like this shouldn't be a problem.

Causes irritation

If the perfume you normally wear suddenly causes irritation, it is likely that it has expired. If the formula inside is damaged, it is very dangerous to use.

If not because of the expiration period, irritation could arise because the ingredients in it do not match your skin, causing allergies. Therefore, pay attention to the composition of ingredients before buying perfume.

Sedimentation appears

This happens if the perfume you have stored has gotten too long. Usually there will be solid sedimentation or perfume material deposits that collect at the bottom of the bottle. If sedimentation starts to appear, then you should not continue using perfume.

Check the expiration date

Some perfume brands have an expiration date at the bottom of the bottle and this can be used as a benchmark for using perfume. But if there is no expiration date, you can see the batch code which is usually written at the bottom of the bottle.

After that, open the website, then enter the batch code to find out the expiration limit.

If you still have the box (don't forget to look at the box when you first buy it before throwing it away), the expiration date is displayed as a PAO number (the jar logo with a number inside) which tells you how many months the product will last after opening.