Suspicious Omnibus Law And His Rejection From Workers

JAKARTA - A mass of workers held a demonstration in front of the DPR Building. The action protested the Job Creation Omnibus Law, which is currently changing its name to Cipta Kerja, because it is considered that there are many oddities.

After some time in action, the workers' representatives were finally accepted by the leadership of Commission IX and Deputy Chairman of the DPR, Rachmat Gobel, to convey their opinions. The President of the Confederation of All Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPSI) Andi Gani is one of the labor representatives.

In front of the leaders of Commission IX and Rachmat Gobel, Andi Gani said that he had been a supporter of President Joko Widodo since 2012. However, he was disappointed with this omnibus law and forced him to take to the streets.

"This bill is a bit strange. I was invited by a special president to the Bogor Palace. We are open to it. I was invited to talk about the existence of a legal breakthrough regarding investment. I told Pak Jokowi, I support all out, I will fully support. On the trip, I told him to Mr. Jokowi was invited by the labor union from the start, so that there would be no suspicion from the start, "he said, at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, February 12.

Meeting of the DPR and workers who reject the Job Creation Bill (Mery Handayani / VOI)

Then, continued Andi, not long after the meeting, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto formed an omnibus law task force team consisting of 22 people. However, the appearance of this task force is a question among workers.

Andi then sent letters to Airlangga and Jokowi to remind him that there would be turmoil among Indonesian workers about this omnibus law.

"Because from the start it seemed like something was hidden. The whole labor confederation asked me, how come you workers' confederation supporting the president doesn't have a draft. Finally, you wonder what's wrong with this draft?" said Andi, who is one of the BUMN's top officials.

Soon, said Andi, he got seven drafts of this omnibus law at once, with different contents. This is what makes the rejection of the Omnibus Law Work Creation even stronger.

Because of that, Andi was confused when he had to explain which articles were rejected in this omnibus law. Because until today, he has not received the legal draft of the omnibus law.

Andi's suspicion grew stronger because a day before today's demonstration, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga issued a decree which appointed him as the omnibus law study and communication team.

"But it was too late, because when everything had become a problem and there were rejections everywhere, the team was just formed to invite workers. What is saddest for us, when KSPSI as a presidential supporter took to this road something was wrong. Because we were also confused. where and for whom, "he said.

Workers' action against the Job Creation Bill (Mery Handayani / VOI)

Nine sensitive labor issues

This Job Creation Bill has nine sensitive and fundamental issues for workers. KSPSI Vice President R Abdullah hopes that the legal draft of this Job Creation Bill can be obtained immediately so that it can be studied together.

The nine issues are, changes in working hours, work system, contract work, outsourcing, minimum wages, severance pay, foreign workers, liberalizing various work systems from long life to flexible employment, and those concerning social security.

"Of the nine that are considered very sensitive and fundamental to workers. Our hope is to get an original copy of the legal draft of the government's plan to make an omibus law. So that we can learn together whether this law is pro to the interests of workers and the Indonesian people or for the interests of capitalists, "he said.

Abdullah also reminded the DPR and the government not to make laws that deviate from Pancasila and the Basic Law for the sake of investment by pawning the interests of the people and nation of Indonesia.

Labor representatives meet representatives of the DPR (Mery Handayani / VOI)

He took one case related to foreign workers as an example. When this regulation decides there will be liberalization or it can be called extraordinary freedom without being selective, this will limit the needs of Indonesian workers.

Meanwhile, Abdullah said, article 27 paragraph 2 states that every citizen has the right to work and a decent living for humanity. These basic rights are workers' rights which must be guaranteed by a law that will be made by the government.

"Liberal in the end, foreign interests become a priority and the interests of our children and grandchildren are ignored," he explained.

"We need to convey to the leadership of the DPR. Don't ever teach us, never teach the executive, the legislature gives humility. Being humiliated in front of capital in the end we mortgage all interests in the interests of capitalists," he said.

The DPR is listening

Hearing all these workers' complaints, Deputy Chairperson of Commission IX Sri Rahayu agreed with what Abdullah had said, that you should not mortgage the interests of this nation and state for capitalist interests.

Rahayu tried to convince her that it did not rule out the possibility that the labor union would provide input in the discussion of the Job Creation Bill. He also emphasized that the DPR will not be closed to discussing with workers regarding the discussion of the bill.

DPR representatives accept labor representatives who reject the Omibus Law on Job Creation (Mery Handayani / VOI)

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of the DPR, Rachmat Gobel, said that all parties must see why the government has implemented this omnibus law in real terms. Moreover, investment in the era of globalization has all started to decline, except for India and Vietnam.

"The reasons are many, both concerning the issue of legal certainty and employment. Indeed this is very complicated, which we have to explain. Where can we keep investing in Indonesia because our market is large but our workforce can also get the benefits of the investment itself," he said.

"I am here to convince fellow trade unionists, we will fight objectively, the benefits for this nation for families who have not yet got a job, and also for friends in front. We can accept everyone's input. How can we discuss how to find solutions? mutually beneficial solutions, for this nation, "he said.