Mahfud MD: There Is No Difference Between The Data Of The Coordinating Minister For Political, Legal And Security Affairs And The Alleged Money Laundering Still Followed Up
JAKARTA - Commission III of the DPR again held a follow-up meeting on suspicious transactions of IDR 349 trillion within the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) with the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs as well as the Chairman of the TPPU Committee Mahfud MD, Tuesday, April 11. The meeting which was attended by the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani and PPATK Chairman Ivan Yustiavandana began at around 14:10 WIB. The Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto. In his presentation, Mahfud MD emphasized that there was no difference between the recapitulation of the LHA-LHP data with the The Rp349 trillion aggregate data he owns with data submitted by Sri Mulyani. He explained that the amount of 300 LHA-LHP consisted of 200 letters sent to the Ministry of Finance, with an aggregate value of suspicious financial transaction reports of more than Rp275 trillion. Consisting of 92 LHA-LHP, the status is proactive PPATK with an aggregate of Rp236 trillion. Then, 108 LHA-LHP status at the request of the Ministry of Finance with an aggregate value of more than Rp349 trillion. Then 100 LHA-LHP with details sent to Law enforcement officers outside the Ministry of Finance 99 and 1 LHA-LHP were sent to other institutions with an aggregate value of more than Rp74 trillion. "After the Commission III meeting on March 29, the TPPU committee followed up with a meeting. April 4 at the Ministry of Finance, April 6 at PPATK, April 8 at Polhukam, April 9 at the Ministry of Finance, April 10 at PPATK with a conclusion, one, there was no difference in data because it came from the same source," Mahfud said in the RDPU at Commission III of the DPR today. "It looks different because the data submission is different, with one conclusion, there is no difference in data from the same source," Mahfud said in the RDPU at Commission III of the DPR today. The total value of aggregate transactions reaching more than Rp. 349 trillion is the same as the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Politics," he continued. Furthermore, Mahfud said, the Chairperson of PPATK listed all LHA-LHPs involving Ministry of Finance employees, who were sent to the Ministry of Finance or to APH. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Finance only lists the LHA-LHP received and does not include the LHA-LHP sent to the APH related to the Ministry of Finance. "So the data is the same, only the ones to the Minister of Finance's APH are not listed," Mahfud said. Of the 300 LHA-LHP, Mahfud continued, submitted to PPATK since 2009-2023 to APH, some have been followed up. While others are in the settlement of the Ministry of Finance and APH. The Ministry of Finance has completed most of the LHA related to administrative actions of ASN employees who are proven to have violated the Civil Servant Discipline Law.
Mahfud ensured that the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs would continue to follow up on allegations of TPA and TPPU that had not been fully implemented in accordance with Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the prevention and eradication of TPPU in collaboration with PPATK and law enforcement officials.
"The LHP value of aggregate transactions of more than Rp. 189 trillion submitted by the Chairman of the TPPU and explained that the Ministry of Finance has taken legal steps and has resulted in court decisions up to PK," he said. Mahfud said the TPPU Committee was committed to overseeing the Ministry of Finance's legal steps against allegations of money laundering offenses and other things that had not been included in the legal process.
The TPPU committee, he added, will also form a supervision task force for follow-up LHA-LHP for aggregate value of IDR 349 trillion and cash building is prioritized with the largest value. "Starting with more than IDR 189 trillion. The task force team will involve PPATK, Director General of Customs Tax, Bareskrim, AGO, BIN, Kemenkopolhukam. The TPPU and task force committees will work professionally, transparently, and accountably," said Mahfud.