Canon Invites You To Photograph The Earth Using A Satellite Camera

JAKARTA - Instead of launching the most advanced camera technology at CES 2021, Canon is doing one thing differently. This Tokyo-based company presents a demo of a service that can be used to take photos using satellite.

As part of the demo during the CES 2021 event, the company designed an interactive website that will invite users to explore specific locations on earth - such as New York, Bahamas, Dubai and Japan, from an altitude of 500 km using the CE-SAT-I satellite.

Previously, Canon launched a drum-sized micro satellite in 2017. It contains an EOS 5D Mark II camera supported by a 40cm cassegrain reflector and a 3720mm telescope. For wide camera results, this satellite relies on the support of the PowerShot S110 camera.

This satellite orbits the earth at an altitude of 500 km. Capable of producing photos with a spatial resolution of 36 inches in a 3x2 mile frame - according to the company claim. In comparison, the satellite with the highest resolution in the world today, WorldView-4, is capable of compressing it up to 12 inches.

Through this interactive website, users can view camera catches from the CE-SAT-1 satellite. Due to the nature of this website being a simulation, the photos produced from the website are photos that have been prepared in advance.

CE-SAT-1 (Canon) Satellite Camera Photo Snapshot

Therefore, users cannot move the camera to another area. Can only focus the lens on locations that have been prepared by the company.

Even so, the brief experience as an astrophotographer prepared by Canon feels more complete. This is because the company prepared a narrative team led by astronaut Marsha Ivins who explained the purpose of the satellite and the information around it.

Viewing every photo produced by the CE-SAT-1 satellite, users can also view detailed information-such as location to altitude. At the end of the simulation session, users can download every photo taken using the CE-SAT-1 satellite camera.