4 Reasons Why Women Should Be Independent

JAKARTA - With the times, independence must not only be owned by men but also women. Not without reason, by being an independent woman you can get many benefits for life.

Like freedom of choice to not depend on the help of others. In addition, this is why women should be independent which should be known.

Can choose

Independent women have more opportunities to be able to choose any decision for themselves. In this way, women will grow to be more mature in overcoming various problems.

Increase self-esteem

When a woman chooses to be independent both financially and otherwise, this directly impacts the way people perceive her.

He will tend to attract the attention of others to respect him and build a more professional relationship.

Quoting The Women Par page, Mary Gresham, a psychologist in Atlanta said that women who are not independent, especially in financial matters, can make them addicted and tend to be spoiled.

"Over time, breadwinners began to act more like parents, and dependent ones began to feel and act more like children," he explained.

"Because money is so important in our society, if you don't get it or manage it, it will make you feel inadequate and as if you have no control over your life."

Got a handle on life

An independent woman will not worry easily when she is alone in life. His habit of living his own life made him independent from anyone. Women need to learn to rely on themselves, so that when rocked by problems, they often get used to facing them.

A little social pressure

Although women do not have social pressure to work and others, being an independent woman tends to be reliable. Because people will think you are someone who is strong and independent.

So as to reduce the ridicule of people who sometimes label women as spoiled. This is also closely related when you have or want to build a household.