Kill Online Taxi Driver From Jakarta On Jagorawi Toll Road, Three Perpetrators Threatened With Death Penalty
The Bogor Police Detective and Criminal Unit managed to apprehend three suspects in the murder case planning an online taxi driver from Jakarta. The three of them also face the death penalty.
The Bogor Resort Police have also arrested the three perpetrators, namely MF (20), DY (25), and JA (23). Bogor Deputy Police Chief Kompol Fitra Zuanda said the three perpetrators were arrested after killing and trying to retrieve the victim's car and valuables, Anto Supriadi (37).
"The perpetrators were charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code and/or 338, and 340 of the Criminal Code concerning violent theft and premeditated murder with a threat of 15 years in prison, life imprisonment to the death penalty," said Fitra, Wednesday, April 5. The incident occurred on the Jagorawi Toll Road KM 37 + 400 entering the Jampang Tangkil Village area RT 05 / 02 Cadas Ngampar Village, District. Sukaraja, Bogor Regency on Monday 3 April.
Initially on Sunday, April 2, 2023, at around 21.00 WIB, the three perpetrators with the initials MF, DY, and JA gathered at the MF boarding house on Jalan Bakti 5 Kebantenan Cilincing, North Jakarta.
Due to economic factors, JA proposed planning violent theft by ordering an online taxi after stealing the luggage and car of the online taxi driver. Then at around 22.30 WIB JA ordered MF to order online transportation via the MF cellphone, with the aim of Rancamaya- Ciawi. After Online Transportation was ordered there was price negotiations and after agreeing, finally the Online Transportation came to Cilincing to pick up the perpetrator, it was discovered that the identity of the online taxi was US with the initials using a four-wheeled Daihatsu Ayla license plate vehicle Silver license plate number B 1120 UYW.. "At around 01.00 WIB they departed from Cilincing to Rancaya Ciawi, Bogor Regency, where DY was in the front seat beside the driver, JA in the second seat behind DY and MF was behind the driver," he explained. Arriving near the exit of the South Sentul Toll, the perpetrator MF asked to stop at the online taxi driver because he wanted to defecate and couldn't stand it, after stopping MF immediately ganged up on the victim until he died.
When he arrived at the crime scene, the perpetrator carried the victim out of the car and threw it away in the bushes on the side of the Jagorawi Toll Road. Because the victim had rebelled when he was in the gang and broke the cell phonery of his ayala car. Finally, the perpetrators MF and DY pushed the car up to approximately 100 meters," he said. And not long after that, members of PJR Jagorawi arrived. Then MF was arrested while the other two perpetrators were afraid of DY and JA running away. However, he was caught in his Kosan which is on Jalan Bakti 5 Kebantenan, Cilincing District, Cilincing Village, North Jakarta.