Mikkey Dee's Confession Secretly Exercises With Scorpions When James Kottak Is Still A Permanent Member

JAKARTA - In an interview with Meta's Robert Cavuoto of Metal Rules recently, Mikkey Dee was asked about his early joining the Scorpions in 2016.

Mikkey previously spent nearly 25 years as a Motorhead drummer.

"They [originally] called me to be a possible replacement [of their drummer James [Kottak]. Because they are getting bored with the problem," Mikkey started.

"So they said, 'We'll see if you can be part of the European tour'. I said, 'Yes. No problem'," he continued

Despite waiting for confirmation, the 59-year-old Swedish musician said he was "secretly following" Scorpions in Germany while Kottak was still playing with them.

"I see every show of them because I have to sit down and learn the set," he explained.

"And I sat secretly in the arena. I had to sit very, very far up there so I could hear what was going on. And [James] knew that there was a drummer [acting as a substitute], [but he] didn't [know] who it was.

"And then I came back [back] to Sweden. And then I got a call right after the European tour, and they said, 'Listen, can you join this year?' And I said, 'Of course. Because I didn't do anything.' And I realized at the time that [James] would not come back.

"I wasn't there to take his seat at Scorpions, but they had to do something, and that's what they chose to do. And here I am."