GM And Waterboom Manager Lippo Cikarang Become Suspects In The Health Protocol Case

JAKARTA - The police finally named two suspects in a case of violating the crowd health protocol (prokes) that occurred at Waterboom Lippo Cikarang. Both are the management of Waterboom Lippo Cikarang.

"We have named two suspects, Ike Patricia who is the General Manager and Dewi Nawa Sari as the Marketing Manager," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Thursday, January 14.

Yusri said, in the case of violation of the crowd prokes, the two suspects had different roles. For Ike Patricia, she acts as an initiator for promo ticket makers to attract visitors.

Meanwhile, Dewi Nawa Sari also acts as an initiator. But he is also the person who uploaded the promo ticket information to the @waterboomlippocikarang_ Instagram account.

"Both roles are promo initiators. Then one of them uploads to social media," he said.

The two suspects were charged under Article 9 in conjunction with Article 93 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 06 of 2018 concerning Quarantine, Article 216 of the Criminal Code, and Article 218 of the Criminal Code.

Previously, in this case the Kapolsek Cikarang Selatan (Ciksel), Kompol Sukadi was removed from his position. This removal was in the aftermath of the crowd that occurred at Waterboom Lippo Cikarang.

"Yes, transferred, transferred yes. Internally there were negligence from the members, in this case the police chief," said Yusri.

The removal of Kompol Sukadi is contained in the Telegram Letter of the Head of Metro Jaya Police with number KEP / 14 / I / 2021, dated January 11, 2021.

The violation of the health protocol at Waterboom Lippo Cikarang began with the implementation of a surprise promo at the beginning of the year by the management of a tourist attraction on Sunday, January 10 yesterday.

The promo makes the ticket price which is usually sold at Rp. 95 thousand or the manager said that it is Rp. 50,000, discounted to Rp. As a result, visitors who wanted to enjoy the discount program swelled, causing crowds both in and around the swimming pool area.