Ahead Of Lebaran 2023, The Cisumdawu And South Japek II Toll Roads Officially Operate Functionally

JAKARTA - The PUPR Ministry said that the Cileunyi-Sumedang Dawuan Toll Road Section 4-Seksi 6 (Cimalaka-Dawuan) officially operates functionally on the 2023 Eid homecoming flow.

This was discovered when PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono accompanied by Bina Marga Director General Hedy Rahadian and PT Brantas President Director Abipraya Sugeng Rochadi inspected the Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan (Cisumdawu) Toll Road in West Java, on Thursday, March 30.

"Later, I will ask for an update report before Lebaran, April 15th," he said in a written statement, Friday, March 31.

The Cisumdawu Toll Road will be opened functionally in order to support the flow of Eid Al-Fitr 2023 homecoming along 29.165 km consisting of, Section 4 Cimalaka-Legok (8.2 Km), Section 5 Legok-Ujung Jaya (14.9 Km), and Section 6 Ujung Jaya-Dawuan, including the Dawuan Junction (6,065 Km).

On April 15, 2023, the condition of the road in Section 4 - Section 6 is targeted that Line A and Line B will be completed, except for locations that need special attention, namely Section 5A at Sta 40+200 and Sta 45+050 and Section 5B at Sta 51+000.

"The connection between the Cisumdawu Toll Road will play an important role in smoothing the flow of homecoming from the Cipali Toll Road to the Cisumdawu Toll Road or vice versa," said Basuki.

The Cisumdawu Toll Road has previously been operating since January 2022, which includes Section 1 Cileunyi-Pamulian (11.45 km), and Section 2 Pamulihan-Sumedang (17.05 Km) and Section 3 Sumedang-Cimalaka (4.05 Km) which have been operating since December 2022.

At that time, the toll road was operated to support the smooth running of vehicle traffic during Nataru 2022/2023.

Meanwhile, the Cisumdawu Toll Road consists of 6 Sections built under the Government and Business Entity Cooperation (PPP) scheme. Of the six Sections, Sections 1 and 2 were carried out by the government as part of the Viability Gap Fund (VGF) to increase the feasibility of the toll road investment.

Meanwhile, Section 3-Seksi 6 was carried out by the PT CKJT Toll Road Business Entity.

Then, Basuki said, the South Jakarta-Cikampek (Japek) II Toll Road will also operate functionally as support for the 2023 Eid homecoming flow.

As for the functional route, starting from Simpang Susun (SS) Sadang-SS Kutanegara-Taman Mekar-Jalan Pangkalan along 28.75 km.

"Homecomers from Bandung to Jakarta can enter SS Sadang, precisely at KM 77 of the Purbaleunyi Toll Road to Mekar Park to West Karawang GT, with a distance of about 16 km via Pangkalan Street," added Basuki.

The South Japek II Toll Road stretches along 62 Km which connects the Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) 1, JORR 2 and the Purwakarta-Bandung-Cileunyi (Purbaleunyi) Toll Road in West Java with an investment fee of IDR 14.69 trillion.

The construction of the toll road is divided into 3 Sections, namely Section 1 Jatiasih-Setu along 9.3 Km, Section 2 Setu-Taman Mekar along 24.85 Km, and Section 3 Mekar-Sedang Park along 27.85 Km.