Garuda And Lion Air Failed To Land At Supadio Airport Due To Bad Weather

JAKARTA - Two commercial planes from Garuda and Lion Air on the Jakarta-Pontianak route failed to land at Supadio International Airport, Pontianak, Wednesday afternoon.

"It is true that today there are two airlines diverted due to bad weather," said General Manager of PT Angkasa Pura II, Pontianak Supadio International Airport Branch Eri Brawliantoro, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 13.

He explained that the two planes with flight code GA 504 belonged to Garuda Indonesia, and flight code JT 684 belonging to Lion Air had to be diverted to land at another airport.

"Divert (not at its original destination) and RTB (Return to Base) or an airplane that has flown for a while but returns to the initial airport or the nearest alternative airport for some reason, that's commonplace in the world of aviation, because it prioritizes safety factors. flights, "he said.

Due to the bad weather, the Lion Air plane was diverted to Batam, while the Garuda plane was diverted to Palembang.

Apart from the two planes, another aircraft belonging to Sriwijaya Air also almost experienced the same thing but managed to land at Supadio Airport in Pontianak.

"When the weather was not good, the plane Sriwijaya Air had landed. That's because the weather was light and visibility met the standards. Meanwhile, the Batik Air plane was holding. Then there is a decision whether to land or divert," he explained.

He mentioned that there are several weather factors, one of which is due to wind or visibility which is below standard so that it can interfere with flight safety.

"That's why every aircraft flight operation needs to know the weather which refers to the BMKG. This data will be forwarded to the ATC and pilots, one of which is when landing to make a decision whether to land or divert," he said.