Kasatgas COVID-19 Doni Monardo Asks TV To Change Style, Give Model Prokes Correctly

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Task Force for Handling COVID-19, Lt. Gen. Doni Monardo, said that television stations should be able to be an example in implementing health protocols for the wider community.

"I only ask for one thing, what our society sees, that is what we hope can provide an example," said Doni Monardo as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 13.

Therefore, television stations in the country are asked for the next two to three weeks in order to change their appearance and focus on the implementation of 3M, namely wearing masks, maintaining distance, and washing hands with soap in running water.

"I didn't ask for long, at least two or three weeks," he said.

During that time, the broadcast on television was asked to change completely in implementing 3M's behavior. This is especially expected to be a concern for reality shows involving public idol figures.

This was expressed by Doni Monardo, remembering and seeing the habits of Indonesian people like to watch and in the end imitating what was witnessed on television. If it is positive, namely implementing health protocols will have a good impact and vice versa.

In fact, he said, television stations that apply technological engineering alone can make people misinterpreted.

The technological engineering referred to is as if in a television program there are viewers even though there are not.

"Not all people understand that. Even educated people can sometimes be fooled into thinking that the event has an audience even though there is no one," he said.

Therefore, the role of the mass media, especially television, is quite large in influencing the public, especially in disseminating health protocol behavior.