Tomorrow's Vaccination In East Java Will Be Held At Grahadi

SURABAYA - The first COVID-19 vaccination in East Java will be centered at the Negara Grahadi building, Surabaya, tomorrow, Thursday, January 14. The goal is that the public can find out firsthand, like the first vaccination by President Joko Widodo.

"As this is a direction from the Governor of East Java. The consideration is that in Grahadi it is easier for the public to know, just like President Jokowi has also administered vaccines at the Bogor Palace," said East Java Provincial Secretary Heru Tjahjono at Grahadi building, Surabaya, Wednesday, January 13.

According to Heru, 19 names have been proposed to the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) for vaccination in East Java. However, his party does not know for sure who has been confirmed by the Ministry of Health.

"As we know the names we have proposed to the Ministry of Health, but the Ministry of Health directly contacts each person as vaccine recipients," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the East Java COVID-19 Task Force Curative Team, Joni Wahyuhadi, also admitted that he did not know for sure who was determined by the Ministry of Health to receive the first COVID-19 vaccine in East Java.

"We are still waiting for the names from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), because it really determines who will be directly from the Ministry of Health via SMS," said Joni.

Joni explained, there are four stage tables that recipients of the COVID-19 vaccine must go through. The first table is registration, second is checking health condition, third is vaccination and the fourth table is for observation.

"We have also prepared a mini ICU, an ambulance that can go directly to Dr. Sutomo Hospital if things happen that are not desired," he explained.

Although the level of the possibility of this side effect is very small, according to Joni, for the sake of safety and mutual comfort, the slightest possibility should be watched out for.

"In accordance with what the head of the BPOM Sinovac type vaccine has, the sensitivity level reaches 65.3 percent, that's pretty good because WHO provides a 50 percent requirement," said Joni.