Raffi Ahmad's Message After Representing Young People For The First Stage Of Covid-19 Vaccination

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo received the Covid-19 vaccine on Wednesday, January 13, 2021. Apart from Jokowi, several people have been vaccinated, including the celebrity Raffi Ahmad.

Rafathar's father represents young people so they can support the Covid-19 vaccination program in Indonesia. The first covid-19 vaccination took place at the Palace, Jakarta, which consisted of several sessions, along with the list.

Raffi became the recipient of the first session in the order of President Jokowi, dr. Daeng M. Faqih (Chairman of IDI), Dr. H. Amiesyah Tambunan (Secretary General MUI / Muhammadiyah), Kiai Ishom (PP NU), TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto and National Police Chief General Idham Azis. After they were vaccinated, it was Raffi's turn to be vaccinated.

Previously, Raffi uploaded an invitation from the Minister of State Secretary of the Republic of Indonesia to attend the first Covid-19 vaccination. "Bismillah," wrote Raffi in the description column.

In an upload on his Instagram Story, the husband of Nagita Slavina also uploaded a photo of himself at the State Palace to be injected with the Sinovac vaccine. From a live YouTube broadcast of the Presidential Secretariat, it appears that Raffi has his blood pressure checked before being injected.

After receiving the vaccine injection, Raffi Ahmad uploaded a photo with the TNI Commander and the Police Chief. "Together with the TNI Commander and the National Police Chief, Come on, We Get Vaccines. Don't be afraid. Hopefully we are always healthy," said Raffi Ahmad.