The SAR Team Is Still Looking For 24 People On The Fourth Day Of The Sumedang Landslide

JAKARTA - The joint Search and Rescue Team (SAR) is still continuing to search for victims who were lost in the landslide incident in Cimanggung District, Sumedang Regency, West Java.

On the fourth day of the search, Wednesday, January 12, the SAR Team was still tracing the whereabouts of 24 people who were reported missing.

"There was a report coming to the Sawah Dadap Community Health Center from the victim's family that one family member was missing in the name of Siti Maemunah (a total of 24 people)," said Head of the Bandung SAR Office Deden Ridwansyah.

The search for today began at 07.30 WIB at the landslide location and was divided into three sectors, namely the housing sector, the sector around the mosque, and the sector around the volleyball field.

In addition, the search process is divided into two to divide the strength of the personnel in carrying out their duties in order to stay fit.

"The first shift is from 08.00 WIB to 12.00 WIB, while shift 2 is from 13.00 WIB until 17.30 WIB," said Deden.

He explained that until now the number of victims who died was 16 people, 25 survivors and 24 victims in the search.

"The most significant obstacle was found by the team in the field, namely unstable weather and high enough rainfall which caused the movement of the land to get bigger which led to quite high potential for subsequent landslides," he said.

In addition, the obstacles experienced by his team were the terrain and materials at the landslide location which made it quite difficult for officers to search.

"However, the Joint SAR Team remains optimistic and enthusiastic about maximizing work and hopes that one by one victims can be found even in limited circumstances," he said.

A landslide disaster occurred on Saturday, January 9 in Cimanggung District, Sumedang Regency, West Java, which occurred twice after the first landslide was followed by subsequent landslides due to high rainfall in the area.