7 Years Left Of Targeted Full Pipeline Water Services, PAM Jaya Optimistic New Large-Scale Connections Every Year

JAKARTA - Main Director of Perumda PAM Jaya Arief Nasrudin revealed that his party has 7 years remaining from being given by the DKI Provincial Government for full piped water services to Jakarta residents.

Arief said the acceleration of piped water in Jakarta was unavoidable and had to be done so that the use of groundwater could be suppressed as much as possible.

Therefore, after the end of the water service cooperation or water privatization, PAM Jaya has targeted to be able to add new pipe connections on a large scale.

This was conveyed by Arief after the 2023 World Water Day Festival in the Pondok Ranggon River Overflow Room, East Jakarta.

"Our SDGs ask that in the next 6 to 7 years, water can be accessed properly and be able to cover 930 thousand house connections. I feel optimistic, the very large new connection target can be realized," said Arief, Tuesday, March 21.

As of 2022, PAM Jaya's service coverage will still reach 65.85 percent in the Capital City area. Meanwhile, BUMDs in the field of drinking water services are required to pursue achievements of up to 100 percent by 2030.

Arief admits that limited water sources are one of the factors causing the coverage of clean water services to not be optimal.

"Currently, 81 percent of raw water sources in DKI Jakarta are obtained from Jatiluhur, 14 percent from Tangerang, and only 5 percent are obtained from water sources in this city," he said.

On that basis, Arief admits that PAM Jaya will continue to innovate in creating piped water service breakthroughs that can improve the quality of life for Jakarta residents.

Meanwhile, Head of DKI Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Office, Yusmada Faizal said, this activity was at the same time to formalize the naming of the River Overflow Room (RLS) for the Pondok Ranggon, Brigif, and Lebak Bulus Reservoirs.

The new naming is a form of commitment to managing water for the benefit of society. This is because water from Sunter River in Pondok Ranggon Reservoir, Krukut River in Brigif Reservoir and Grogol River in Lebak Bulus Reservoir can be managed and used as a raw water reserve.

Yusmada explained that the water from the three times has now been managed so that it does not become a disaster. For example, in the Cipinang Melayu area, flooding has recently stopped because the water discharge in the Sunter River can be regulated by the RLS Pondok Ranggon.

"One of the functions of the RLS is as a container so that water does not go straight to the river and flow into the sea. Moreover, East Jakarta has many reservoirs," said Yusmada.