17 High School Students In Lembang Bandung Positive For Drugs, West Java Education Office Intervenes

The West Java Province Education Office (Disdik) asked the head of the education office (KCD) to continue to monitor the development of the case of 17 students of SMAN 1 Lembang, West Bandung Regency (KBB), who were proven positive for misusing synthetic tobacco-type narcotics. "Until now, I am still waiting for a report from the Resort Police, now I ask the branches (Head of the Education Office/KCD) of their offices to continue monitoring, from their schools," said the Secretary of the Education Office. West Java Province, Yesa Sarwedi, was quoted by ANTARA, Monday, March 20. Monitoring by KCD, said Yesa, will continue because until now the case of 17 students of SMAN 1 Lembang who were caught in narcotics is still confusing and his party hopes that the case can be completed within the next one week. "Because the information is still confusing. Because we have a target one week after this must be completed. So hopefully it can be clear. Who has problems, it must be resolved, if this is the case right it's still unclear," he said. In addition to monitoring, continued Yesa, the West Java Education Office, will also ask for detailed reports related to the case to related parties. "So not only monitoring, but if there is an error at the teacher level, it must follow up. When it comes to students and drugs, the police can handle it," he said. When asked whether in the near future, the West Java Education Office will conduct urine tests in schools to anticipate similar cases, Yesa said that she had not thought about holding a urine test in the near future. "There are no plans yet, because routine urine tests are usually carried out in a long time, because it costs and is complicated," he said after becoming a speaker at the Galang Aspiration Politic Discussion (Gaspol) which carries the theme "Wujudkan Pendidikan Jabar Champion Without Bullying and Violence", held by PWI West Java Pokja Gedung Sate in collaboration with West Java Diskominfo. Previously, the Police Narcotics Investigation Unit Cimahi said there were 17 high school (SMA) students in West Bandung Regency (KBB), West Java, who were tested positive for narcotics-type synthetic tobacco. Head of the Cimahi Police Narcotics Investigation Unit AKP Kusmawan said previously the police had arrested 38 suspects for the misuse of synthetic tobacco. However, of the 38 suspects, according to him, 17 of them are still active and underage students. "From that case, there were three lines (synthetic tobacco) of evidence, but "The 17 students are all users," said Kusmawan when confirmed in Bandung, West Java, some time ago.

Kusmawan explained that the disclosure of the 17 students began with reports from the public regarding the circulation of narcotics in the jurisdiction of the Cimahi Police. According to him, the urine test was carried out and the results were positive.