Fund Burglary Is Considered To Have Occurred Due To Customer Negligence
JAKARTA - Segara Research Institute Executive Director Piter Abdullah assessed that the burglary of customer data was mostly due to the negligence of customers, especially in maintaining the confidentiality of personal data in the form of identity, savings book, Personal Identification Number (PIN), and other personal data.
"The low literacy of the Indonesian people is one of the main factors causing the high leakage of customer data. This must certainly be a special concern for regulators," Piter said as quoted by Antara, Sunday.
This statement was conveyed by Piter as a form of comment on Bank BTN customers who complained that their funds had been lost in savings because they could not maintain the confidentiality of banking data. However, the customer actually went berserk on one of the bank officials and mentioned the funds that had been stored for eight months.
"If you look further, it is caused by a low lack of understanding, low financial literacy, and a lack of awareness of the risk that they could lose their funds if they are not careful in protecting their own data," Piter said.
According to Piter, there needs to be an increase in education to increase literacy and be aware of risks. He also reminded the public to be wiser and more careful in using social media, especially regarding banks because it can trigger public distrust of banks.
"It is our common obligation, because we spread negative news without knowing the problem could fall into the spread of hoaxes and could have a legal impact. It is better not to comment if you don't understand the real problem, say something wrong which then has a broad impact can harm yourself and the community too much," said Piter.
Meanwhile, banking observer Paul Sutaryono added that the role of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) is very much needed in encouraging literacy, education and socialization to the Indonesian people regarding data confidentiality. Thus, the level of public financial literacy will be higher. These efforts will be able to reduce the potential risk of financial cases such as banking and other financial institutions that are vulnerable to data breaches.
"The OJK should be a warrior in the financial services sector, continue to provide education and socialization about finance. It can contain both honey (benefit) and poison (risk potential) for banking products and services," said Paul.
However, Paul continued, it returns to the customers themselves. Customers must fully understand the risks that occur if they are careless in using banking services.
"Don't forget that customers or consumers must also continue to learn and maintain the security of personal data related to their banking products and services. The data can be in the form of ATMs, savings books, account numbers, ID cards, biological mother names. It is all very useful to prevent potential fraud risks that can harm banks and customers," said Paul.
Regarding the complaints of Bank BTN customers that went viral on social media, Bank BTN Corporate Secretary Achmad Chaerul said that the customer's problem is currently in the legal process for its resolution. His party has reported this issue to law enforcement officials, for that the company hopes that customers can work together to resolve the problem.
According to Chaerul, Bank BTN guarantees the security of all transactions of its customers by implementing prudential banking and good corporate coverage in accordance with statutory regulations. He also asked all parties to respect the ongoing legal process so that they could see the real facts. Bank BTN will always obey the principles and obey the law and obey and carry out court decisions that have permanent legal force.
"We are committed to taking firm action against any violation of the law and will not protect any party proven to have violated the law," said Achmad.