Minister Of Religion Yaqut: Covid-19 Vaccine Is Halal, Also Efforts To Carry Out Religious Teachings To Protect Each Other
JAKARTA - The Minister of Religion, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, asked all religious people not to hesitate to vaccinate against COVID-19. Because, he said, vaccination is an effort to protect each other from the threat of COVID-19.
"I want to ask all religious people who comply with the specified health criteria and conditions, so that they do not hesitate to take part in the COVID-19 vaccination when their turn comes," he said, after welcoming the arrival of 15 million raw materials for the COVID-19 vaccine, at Soekarno Airport. Hatta, Tangerang, Banten, Tuesday, January 12.
Yaqut also emphasized that the COVID-19 vaccine has obtained a halal and holy fatwa from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) in accordance with established criteria.
"This means that this vaccine can be used for all Muslims as long as its safety is guaranteed according to a credible and competent expert," he said.
Furthermore, Yaqut said, vaccines are an effort to protect one another, which is one of the teachings in all religions. Meanwhile, the vaccination program itself, said Yaqut, is the government's effort to protect its citizens.
"All religions without exception teach us to protect one another, and vaccination is part of an effort to carry out these religious teachings," he explained.
However, Yaqut emphasized that vaccines are not drugs but prevention efforts. To that end, he asked all parties to continue to apply the 3M health protocol, namely wearing masks, maintaining distance and washing hands.
"This vaccine, once again, is not a drug but a preventive measure. Therefore, it must be carried out simultaneously by adhering to the existing health protocols," he said.