Talking About Music Entertainment Business Not Only About Financial Profits, But Also About Science Transfers

JAKARTA - The entertainment business is lucrative. Although there are no exact figures, the number can reach hundreds of millions to tens of billions of rupiah. In addition, holding concerts also has other positive impacts on other business sectors such as online ticket agents, tour packages and entertainment venues, and even local culinary.

It is not surprising that the promoter dared to rent the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium for Blackpink concerts for up to a dozen days. It is said that the cost of renting the historic arena reaches around Rp. 10 billion, not including stages, lighting, cameras, and so on.

However, the promoter does not only talk about profit and financial gain. Many promoters consider bringing in international artists as an effort to transfer knowledge so that the entertainment business will grow and develop in the future.

Responding to this, Chairman of the Indonesian Music Promoter Association Dino Hamid assessed that the presence of a festival or music concert featuring international musicians had a positive impact, one of which was about the transition of knowledge literacy in the music industry.

According to him, there is a lot of knowledge from international artists that can be stolen, such as strategies, concepts of show, branding, communication, and campaigns that can be worked on seriously so that local promoters can produce values that can be appreciated and take new initiatives.

He also appreciated the arrival of these foreign artists because they were able to enliven the sluggish atmosphere due to the pandemic, although efforts to prioritize local musicians must also be made considering that domestic artists can help the turn of the Indonesian music industry.

However, the momentum of the revival of the entertainment business must also be followed by improving service services to spectators so that the comfort of watching the show is not pawned by trivial and annoying things.

Various complaints that appear on social media, such as the committee's lack of alertness, limited entry and exit access, uncomfortable seating locations, and ticketing uncertainty must be addressed. Because, small problems without prosecution will get bigger and have a long tail. The impact, it can disrupt trust in the industry as a whole.