Call Ukraine Conflict A Bet On Russian Existence But Admit The Danger Of Sanctions Consequences, President Putin: Everything Will Be Fine

JAKARTA - President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that what is at stake in Ukraine is Russia's existence as a country.
Speaking at length before workers at an aviation plant in Buryatia, about 4,400 km (2,750 miles) east of Moscow, President Putin delivered Western arguments determined to divide Russia.
"So, for us, this is not a geopolitical task, but a duty for the survival of Russia's state, creating conditions for the future development of our country and children," he said.
President Putin accused the West of using Ukraine as a tool to wage a war against Russia and cause "strategic defeat". Meanwhile, the United States and its allies say they are helping Ukraine, to defend itself from an imperial force invasion that has destroyed cities in Ukraine, killing thousands of civilians and forcing millions of people to flee their homes.
Asked about an unprecedented wave of Western sanctions, he said the enemy hoped that factories would stop operating, the financial system would collapse, unemployment would increase, protesters would take to the streets, causing Russia to be "shocked and collapsed".
"This is not the case. It turns out that, for many of us, and moreover for Western countries, Russia's basic foundation of stability is much stronger than people think," he said.
President Putin hopes his country will not suffer the consequences of future sanctions, although he admits that danger exists.
"Yes, we have to admit that in the medium term they will create problems for us. Such a danger really exists, we understand this," he said, citing TASS.
He explained that such a danger exists because of the fact that "long cycle companies need modern equipment, modern development."
"However, I think everything will be fine here," said President Putin.