List Of 13th Salary Recipients, Disbursement Schedule And Additional Income Achievement, Guaranteed Full Smile

YOGYAKARTA The 13th salary is an additional income given by the government to state servants for their contribution and service in serving the general public. So, when will the 13th salary of 2023 be disbursed? Who are the groups included in the list of recipients of the 13th salary? Also, how much will the 13th salary be received by state servants? The answer to this question will be reviewed in the following article.

Until now, there has been no official information from the Ministry of Finance regarding the disbursement of the 13th salary. However, usually, the 13th salary will be disbursed after state servants receive the holiday allowance (THR).

In previous years, the 13th salary disbursement was made ahead of the entry of the new school year, namely in July.

This is done so that the 13th salary can be an economic cushion for state servants, especially for those whose children are still in school.

In addition, the 13th salary is also one of the factors driving economic activity so that the process of accelerating economic growth is maintained.

List Of 13th Salary Recipients 2023

Based on Minister of Finance Regulation Number 75/PMK.05/2022, the group included in the list of recipients of the 13th salary, among others:

The 13th Salary Amount To Be Received By Abdi Negara

The amount of the 13th salary that will be received by state servants in 2023 may not be much different from last year.

In 2022, the 13th salary is regulated through Government Regulation (PP) Number 16 of 2022 concerning the Provision of Holiday Allowances and 13th Salaries to State Apparatus, Retirement, Pension Recipients, and Recipients of Allowances in 2022.

In this policy, President Joko Widodo regulates the maximum amount of the 13th salary for non-ASN leaders, members, and employees serving in government agencies, including non-structural institutions and new state universities.

According to the PP, the maximum amount of the 13th salary starts from IDR 3.21 million to IDR 24.13 million per person depending on the position.

The following is a breakdown of the maximum amount of the 13th salary received by state servants.

1. Leaders and Members of Non-structural Institutions

2. Non-ASN Employees in Non-structural Institutions and Officials whose Financial Rights are equitable

3. Non-ASN Employees in Government Agencies including Non-structural Institutions and New State Universities

A. Elementary/SMP Education

B. SMA/Diploma I

C. Diploma II and Diploma III

D. Strata I/Diploma IV

E. Strata II/Strata III

This is information about the list of recipients of the 13th salary, along with the schedule and amount received. Read on VOI.ID, to get other interesting news.