Prevented From Going Abroad, Former Director Of Transjakarta Kuncoro Wibowo Once Holds The Social Assistance Project When He Becomes The Boss Of A BUMN Subsidiary

JAKARTA - Former President Director of PT Transjakarta, Kuncoro Wibowo, was prevented from leaving the country by the Directorate General of Immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Kuncoro's inspection abroad was carried out at the request of the KPK.
It has not been revealed what cases involved Kuncoro so he was prevented from leaving the country. Seeing the track record of Kuncoro's position in Transjakarta, he has only served for two months. There has been no strategic Transjakarta program left when Kuncoro took the lead.
Meanwhile, before becoming the boss of BUMD, Kuncoro had held the position of President Director of PT Bandha Ghara Reksa (BGR) Logistics from September 2018 to December 2021.
BGR Logistics is a subsidiary of BUMN from PT Perusahaan Perdagang Indonesia (Persero). BGR Logistics is engaged in digital-based logistics.
Since the company was founded, BGR Logistics has held a number of large projects from ministries, institutions, other state-owned companies, to the private sector. BGR Logistics clients ranging from Pertamina, the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs, PLN, Wijaya Karya, Adhi Karya, and others.
One of the major projects held by BGR Logistics when Kuncoro served as its leader was the distribution of social assistance packages (bansos) from the Ministry of Social Affairs in 2020.
Summarized from various sources, BGR Logistics received a rice social assistance distribution project to beneficiary families from the Family Hope Program (PKH) in a number of parts of Indonesia.
For three months until November 2020, BGR Logistics distributed 220 million kilograms of rice to 4.9 million recipients of the PKH program from the Ministry of Social Affairs.
In addition, BGR Logistics also received a basic food assistance distribution project for communities affected by COVID-19. BGR Logistics was assigned by the Ministry of Social Affairs to carry out storage, packaging, and distribution of 1.65 million social assistance packages in May 2020.
At that time, the minister who was still serving at the Ministry of Social Affairs was Juliari Batubara. He was sworn in from October 23, 2019 to December 2020. He resigned from his ministerial position because he was named a corruption suspect in the procurement of social assistance. Now, Juliari has been sentenced to 12 years in prison.
- Resigning from the Director of Transjakarta
The day before being prevented from leaving the country, Kuncoro submitted his resignation from the position of Director of Transjakarta, which had only been held for two months. This was confirmed by the Head of the Transjakarta Corporate Secretary Division, Apriastini Bakti Bugiansri.
"Yes, that's right. He (Kungoro) resigned as of today," said Apri in a short message, Monday, March 13.
Meanwhile, Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono has received Kuncoro Wibowo's resignation letter from the position of President Director of PT Transjakarta. Heru said that the reason Kuncoro resigned was having problems with his health.
"(The reason for resigning is because) health matters. I also haven't read (completely) the letter," Heru said when met at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Tuesday, March 14.
The head of the Presidential Secretariat (Kasetpres) also allowed Kuncoro to give up his responsibilities as the boss of the regional-owned enterprise (BUMD) in the transportation sector.
"Yes, if people want to resign, that's okay," said Heru.
Apart from having led BGR Logistics, Kuncoro has also served as Commercial and Information Technology Director of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) from September 2016 to August 2017.
It was noted that Kuncoro had also served as Director of Human Resources, General Affairs and Information Technology of PT KAI from June 2012 to September 2016, as well as IT expert staff of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) from August 2017 to August 2018.