BitMEX Stops Crypto Trading On Platforms But Only For A Moment

JAKARTA - The BitMEX crypto exchange experienced technical problems on March 13, 2023, and deactivated all activities except option cancellations. BitMEX then fixed the problem within 20 minutes and reopened all trade a few minutes later.

In its first announcement at 14:12 UTC, BitMEX stated that there were technical problems that caused trading on the platform to be disrupted and could only be canceled. However, BitMEX ensures that funds and customers remain safe.

Shortly after, BitMEX again made its final announcement and confirmed that the technical problem had been fixed and operations had returned to normal. BitMEX also stressed that it will continue to monitor the issue to ensure the safety of user funds.

BitMEX is one of the largest crypto trading exchanges in the world and has served millions of users. Technical glitches like this can often occur on crypto exchanges and can affect trading activities and crypto prices traded there.

Even so, users and investors need not worry because BitMEX has ensured that funds and customers remain safe as long as these technical problems occur. BitMEX also continues to improve and improve their infrastructure to reduce the possibility of future technical problems.

Along with the rapid growth of the crypto industry, crypto trading exchanges like BitMEX are increasingly important to users and investors around the world. Therefore, quick action in solving technical problems as BitMEX does can help strengthen the trust of users and investors in the crypto industry.