Attorney General Asks Adhyaksa Personnel Not To Have A Luxury Lifestyle

JAKARTA - Attorney General ST Burhanuddin asked all Prosecutors of the Republic of Indonesia to maintain a lifestyle not to be luxurious. He conveyed this based on the instructions of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo.

"In the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, it was conveyed that to maintain a lifestyle so as not to be luxurious," said Burhanuddin in his statement, Sunday, March 12.

"The President of the Republic of Indonesia also asked the heads of ministries or institutions to make a simple life in every policy," he continued.

Based on the instructions of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko for all ministers and heads of institutions to discipline their subordinates and inform them of things that are permissible or cannot be done.

"Meanwhile, at the Indonesian Police, the Attorney General's Office, and other law enforcement officers, the president asked to fix internal conditions and then complete and clean other ministries or institutions. The President of the Republic of Indonesia said that every head of the ministry or institution emphasized to all his staff not to show off their power and not to show off their wealth," he said.

Therefore, the Attorney General asked all Adhyaksa people to avoid a consumptive lifestyle to show off luxury items.

The purpose of this instruction is to build and cultivate a simple lifestyle for all prosecutors as a way to prevent corrupt behavior and other disgraceful acts, as well as to make every prosecutor's employee an example for his family and the environment.

"This is a control and introspection for Adhyaksa people so as not to abuse their authority, especially against the law which can harm the community," he explained.