Zainudin Amali Beber The Reason For Resigning From Position For PSSI: It's Not Fair If The Minister Of Youth And Sports Only Takes Care Of One Sport

JAKARTA - Zainudin Amali officially submitted a letter of resignation from the position of Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora). Amali explained the strong reasons behind his decision.

Amali's resignation was conveyed after he was elected as Deputy General Chair of PSSI for the period 2023/2027. That way, Amali then assumed double status as Menpora as well as Deputy Chairman I of PSSI.

This situation then made Amali decide to focus on one field. Because for him, it is unethical if when he holds the position of Menpora but only dominates to develop one sport, namely football.

"As a Menpora, it's unfair, unethical, taking care of all sports, but suddenly only focus on taking care of one sport (ball football). That's why I say, the consequences I have to withdraw," said Zainudin Amali on the sidelines of the event at Wisma Kemenpora, Senayan, Central Jakarta on Friday, March 10.

Amali firmly decided to resign from his position as Minister of Youth and Sports after submitting a letter to the Minister of State Secretariat, Pratikno on Thursday, March 9. Although he has officially submitted his resignation in writing, Amali still has to go to the President, which is planned to be held on Monday next week.

From that big decision, Amali also realized that getting into the world of football is not as easy as imagined. For that, he already understands all the risks he might face in the future.

"I have calculated all the risks, what will I face in the ball because this is a unique sport, different from other sports," said Amali.

"God willing, Erick and I (Thohir, Chairman of PSSI) and others will be able to fix it. But maybe we can do things that are the foundation for the development of Indonesian football, so that expectations are not too great for achievements and other things."

"Hopefully we will go hand in hand because football is definitely needed by the government, Kemenpora, we have felt that when the government does not get along with PSSI, it affects Indonesian football. But we have also proven that for more than three years, PSSI is compact with the Menpora. Alhamdulillah, everything can work," he said.