Must Watch! These Are 6 Effects Of Lack Of Sleep That Can't Be Considered Trivial

YOGYAKARTA The effects of lack of sleep will feel real if you do it in the long term. Science has attributed sleep shortages to a number of health problems, ranging from weight gain to weakened immune systems.

If you often stay up late to finish work at work or play gadgets, the effects of lack of sleep will be felt the next day.

Spending 7 to 9 hours of ill night's sleep will make you tired, unable to control emotions, feeling dizzy, and unwell.

Quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Health, Sunday, March 12, 2023, here are some of the effects of lack of sleep that you will get if done in the long term:

The first effect of lack of sleep is difficulty concentrating. Sleep plays an important role in the learning and thinking process. If you don't have enough and regular sleep, your cognitive ability will also decrease.

This will have an impact on the level of vigilance, attention, reasoning and problem solving.

Lack of sleep can also affect a person's psychological condition. Feelings of disorders, moody, irritability and complaining are the side effects of lack of sleep that have been well set up

The impact of long-term sleep shortages can also worsen mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety, finding that it exceeds 69% depression over time and anxiety 27% over time.

In addition to difficulty concentrating and being angry easily, another effect that arises due to lack of sleep is easy to forget.

A study proves that sleep shortage can result in aging or forgetfulness.

Lack of sleep can interfere with the ability of the brain to process and store memories or things that are learned and experienced throughout the day. You also find it difficult to digest and process information for the next few days.

The next impact of lack of sleep is gaining weight. This is related to changes in the duration of sleep and body metabolism.

In adults, lack of sleep can increase hunger and appetite. Especially in high-carb and calorie foods.

The same thing can also happen to children and adolescents. A study shows that people who sleep less than 6 hours a day have more potential to be obese than those who sleep 7-9 hours a night.

Lack of sleep can also make a person more easily sick. This is because the immune system does not function optimally to fight viruses and bacteria. As a result, you will be more susceptible to disease.

If this is allowed to drag on, the danger of lack of sleep can increase the risk of more serious health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease.

As mentioned above, lack of sleep will affect a person's mood the next day. You can experience mood swings and become impatient.

This more emotional situation will have an impact on work, especially when you have to make important decisions.

If this is allowed then problems such as impulsive behavior, anxiety, depression, and paranoid.

That's information about the effects of lack of sleep for health. Hopefully this information can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.